A Ribbon Cutting for Your Soul Center™, a Not for Profit to Extinguish Pain and Suffering | Encinitas/San Diego

A welcome to all for a Ribbon Cutting to witness the birth of "Your Soul Center™." A not for profit who's mission is committed to service to help those suffering pain, trauma, and suffering. It's a space dedicated specifically for those seeking a safe place to be themselves, heal, learn, grow, expand, and have fun. It's called "Your Soul Center™ for a reason...it really is Your Soul Center.

Ribbon Cutting for Your Soul Center™, The Soul of Yoga, 627 Encinitas Boulevard, Encinitas, Ca, December 1st, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, Free. Check out our new website and see our mission

You’re invited to a Ribbon Cutting  To Witness The Birth Of Your Soul Center™

This is soooooo incredible !!!!! I'm so honored to have The Soul Center as my school and my studio! Congratulations !!!

A. Anderson, Member of the Soul Community

Join Your Soul Center Staff, friends, dignitaries and special guests as we unveil this new entity and learn about it’s purpose to extinguish pain and suffering.

They’ve grown from a Mom and Pop Yoga studio, founded on love by Trisha & Tom Kelly, to a Foundation for Community and now to… “Your Soul Center” a not for profit for purpose 501c3 committed to service. And help. And healing.

This kicks off a December of celebrations…

December 1st at 10am –

Ribbon Cutting with a Holiday Drawing of Valuable Prizes

Anyone Has The Chance to Win 6 months of Yoga ~ Workshops ~ Sound Healing ~ Healings and more…

December 6th –

Enjoy a rocking Gratitude Concert featuring Tom, Trish & The Soul Band

December 19th –

Experience a Winter Solstice Like No Other, with Marcia, Tony and Tom

Look for our Amazing Silent Holiday Auction, Christmas and New Years Eve Celebrations and more!


Tags: Abuse, Gratitude, Health, Pain, Soul of Yoga, Stress, Suffering, Trauma, Veterans, Wellness, Your Soul Center

About Soul of Yoga

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Your Space for Re-Discovery! Re-Discover the Yogi in you with the most yoga styles in Encinitas & San Diego. Re-Discover authentic power with the most unique Yoga Teacher Trainings.

Marcia Frescura
Press Contact, Soul of Yoga
Soul of Yoga
627 Encinitas Blvd
Encinitas, CA 92024
United States