A Secure Environment to Achieve Academic Potential is Essential Says Achievement House Cyber Charter School

EXTON, Penn., August 7, 2018 (Newswire.com) - The news provides us with a daily account of the violence which permeates society. According to a recent study conducted by stopbullying.gov for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”), 33 percent of U.S. students in grades 6-12 personally experienced bullying. The CDC further advises that immediate and proper support for students can stave off some of the short-term and long-term consequences which include depression, anxiety, detachment, sinking grades and often substance abuse. While there are several reasons that a student might choose Cyber School as an optimal solution, unfortunately, one of the main reasons is due to students feeling uncomfortable or unsafe in their school's environment.
Achievement House Cyber Charter School is a nonprofit, tuition-free, public Pennsylvania charter school where all students can focus on their academics and learn in the comfort of their own homes without having fear or anxiety about bullying. AHCCS takes several steps to ensure its students learn in a safe space and, if needed, have the resources to speak with a member of staff about anything about which they are concerned.
1. Mentors and Student Assistance Program: In addition to certified teachers and administrative staff, Achievement House mentors students. Mentors are assigned to all students upon admission. They provide students with additional support who may have temporary issues with setting up their home environment, time management, study skills or other aspects that effect achieving results. Mentors are a significant part of the AHCCS team’s approach to ensure a student's success. For students who may need more intensive support, the Student Assistance Program is designed specifically to address their needs. There are many unique issues, from ability and addiction to abuse, that can affect a student’s success. AHCCS’ SAP addresses those needs on a personal and confidential basis.
2. Anti Cyber Bullying Policy: AHCCS actively blocks sites that are determined to participate in or enable bullying. Further, AHCCS monitors all live sessions to ensure that bullying behavior or messages are not shared. If AHCCS identifies a situation that appears to be abusive or a case of bullying, the case is thoroughly investigated. If an investigation finds that a student or students were in violation of the policy, immediate action is taken against the offending students. To support a student who may have been a victim of bullying, a school counselor or mentor can conduct a home visit or spend time with the student and/or their family.
3. Closed Environment: A student's daily experience with teachers, staff and other students is maintained within a private online environment which is managed and monitored by AHCCS. Students are encouraged to work collaboratively with teachers and other students within the applications, systems and orchestrated on-site experiences that Achievement House curates to achieve their academic goals. The student’s physical learning environment is within the safety of their home or in a place that is designated by the parents or guardian to ensure the student’s safety. A student’s physical and emotional safety is an important element in creating an environment where the student can achieve their academic potential.
This three-pronged approach enables Achievement House to work cooperatively with the student and their family to create an optimal learning experience. For more information on Achievement House, visit achievementcharter.com.
Source: Achievement House Cyber Charter School
Tags: Charter School, Cyber Charter School, High School, Individual Learning, Middle School, Student Success