A Tastefull Blend Of Creativity, Kirtan, Spiritual And Yoga Music @ Ananta Govinda

Ananta Govinda has recently updated his online presenceand feature many media offering on this website. He is a thinker, musician, author, photographer and multi-media producer.

Ananta Govinda has recently updated his online presenceand feature many media offering on this website. He is a thinker, musician, author, photographer and multi-media producer. Being a practitioner of Vedic sciences and bhakti-yoga for over 15 years, his presentations always blend tasteful artistic expression with eternal human values.

At this portal, he offers tasteful collection of kirtan, devotional music, bhakti yoga, chantingmusic, meditation music, spiritual music, mantra music and more. Audiences interested in spiritual music can listen, but download many for free.

Here, one can read the autobiographic interview of Ananta Govinda that is published in the Vegetarian Magazine entitled "Vedic Renaissance Man". If the readers are interested in reading and increasing their knowledge about Vedic Renaissance then through the prefect blogs available on this site, Ananta Govinda can share his understanding of the Vedic sciences and the art of bhakti yoga.

The owner and founder of the Vedic Renaissance production, Ananta Govinda, is a successful Californian businessman, musician and a yoga practitioner. He tells about his life before coming to America, "I came to the US in 1994 from Russia. It was very turbulent times in my homeland, the old system of values was collapsing and the new ones were very obscure. I felt uncomfortable in that society and was considering relocating to a new territory. I thought I knew a lot about Western World, mostly from following the music scene and watching Hollywood movies; I was positive that a better situation was available somewhere else."

He talks about the pen club that he had joined in his youth and connected with many young people around the world by correspondence. He stresses the fact that he was not shocked of the cultural changes because living in Russia makes one well prepared to anything of this world. He likes yoga music and offers Wild Horses as a signature mood album which is a restful alternative to today's fast paced age. He offers soulful songs and woven Sanskrit chants into catchy English refrains.


Tags: Ananta Govinda, Kirtan, Spiritual Music, yoga music

About Ananta Govinda

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Ananta Govinda
7121 West Vickery Blvd 76116
San Francisco, CA 94102
United States