A Unique Combination Of XML Tools: Data2type Introduces AntillesXML

antillesXML starts into the next level. The combination of XML tools is unique in this form and has been considerably upgraded and optimized over the last months.

Together with the Stuttgart Media University (HdM), the XML expert data2type GmbH has further developed antillesXML and offers the new version 2.0 as a free download on the company's website.

"antillesXML is a perfectly equipped toolbox for dealing with XML documents. Thanks to the new graphical user interface which is easy and intuitively to handle, the numerous features are suitable for developers and users alike", explains Manuel Montero, managing director of data2type GmbH.

Various functions on all aspects of checking, transformation and output of XML documents are available: for example XSL-FO transformations can be performed folder wise by different formatters. Another feature is the validation (also folder wise) of XML documents against DTD, XML Schema and Schematron. Furthermore, antillesXML provides the possibility to arrange XProc pipelines according to the specific needs of the user and to define Hotfolders for XML transformations.

In addition, antillesXML enables a wide range of special transformations, for example CSV2XML, or the conversion of Word documents to XML. Manuel Montero says: "We already have a whole array of additional functions in the pipeline which shall be realized in further updates."

More about antillesXML and download: http://www.data2type.de/software/antillesxml/aboutantillesxml

Manuel Montero Pineda
CEO data2type GmbH
Dammstraße 18
67059 Ludwigshafen
Tel.: +49-(0) 621 - 68 124 790
Fax.: +49-(0) 621 - 68 124 794
E-Mail: [email protected]
Internet: www.data2type.de


Tags: programming, word converter, XML, xsl-fo, xslt

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