A University Student Created Time Capsule Website To Raise Money For Tuition

Inspired by the MillionDollarHomepage idea, another student created a time capsule website where loved ones, families and friends can store their memories and life experiences forever in the cyberspace to raise money for tuition.

Much like Alex from the MillionDollarHomepage, another university student from Canada has an creative idea to pay the student debts and earn money for tuition.

He created a website (http://www.lovetimecapsule.com) where families, friends, couples can create a "time capsule" to store their love memories forever. Since not all of us will be written in history books, our existence maybe forgotten with time. Individuals may submit their life stories in the "time capsule", so that they can leave a legacy in this world.

It's also a great place for couples to leave their oaths of love,so their love will remain until the Dawn of Time; would be a perfect Valentine's Day gift this year.

He is selling the time capsule for "$9.99" each (999 symbolizes infinitely large or eternity), which the money will be used to maintain the website for the future years and pay his student debts and tuition.

Each "time capsule" contains a miniature or snapshot of the capsule and a full webpage. The miniature time capsule will be organized by years(2011 being the first one) on his site, which will give a snapshot of the "time capsule" (Displays names and 1-2 sentences of love or life statement). The webpage will contain more detailed information and pictures which can be accessed by clicking the miniature time capsule.

People can also request customized url for their webpages (main time capsule) if it is still available. The time capsule can also be password protected and hidden from the site.

Like the slogan on his site, "Be a part of the History, Leave a Legacy and be Remembered.


Tags: family, friends, love, Save your Memory, time capsule, valentine's day

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