ABiSee Announces New Affordable Prices For Eye-Pal, Zoom-Ex, and Zoom-Twix
Online, November 29, 2010 (Newswire.com) - Eye-Pal, Zoom-Ex and Zoom-Twix are portable USB-connected devices for the blind and visually impaired people. These talking devices convert printed material into speech, text files or Braille.
Zoom-Twix, in addition, enables users to view and save images of the distant objects utilizing its CCTV camera.
Eye-Pal and Zoom-Ex are compatible with windows-based PCs and Mac computers. Zoom-Twix is compatible with windows-based PCs.
New prices are effective as of December, 2010
Product Old Price New Price
Eye-Pal $1,995.00 $1,275.00
Zoom-Ex $2, 395.00 $1,775.00
Zoom-Twix $3,495.00 $2,895.00
About ABiSee
ABiSee, Inc. is a manufacturer of instant scanners/readers for the blind and visually-impaired. The company, founded six years ago, employs fifteen people who design, assemble, tune, and test each device at their headquarters in Acton, MA.
For more information on ABiSee's products, visit www.abisee.com or
call 978-635-0202
Tags: abisee, assistive reading, boston veterans, cctv, Electronic Gadgets, low vision aids, magnifier, portable devices, print-to-speech, products for seniors, products for the blind, read printed material, reader, scanner, visually impaired products