Absolute Consulting Group Looking Forward to Punta Cana Trip

Top Absolute Consulting Group producers have been invited to attend a prestigious rest and relaxation retreat in the Dominican Republic. Richard, the firm's Managing Director, discussed how travel builds camaraderie.

​The Absolute Consulting Group travel program is one of the most exciting perks available to the company’s associates, according to Richard. There are opportunities to cross-train at other offices, learn from industry leaders at conferences and seminars, and connect with colleagues from all around the world at networking retreats. Still, the upcoming R&R event in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic is one of the most anticipated company outings of the year.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime trip, with hand-selected executives spending a weekend with Richard and other customer acquisition professionals from across the globe in a beautiful beachside resort. Those who qualified for Punta Cana spent the last twelve months meeting the qualifications and have more than earned the chance to unwind after such consistent effort.

Rest isn’t the only benefit of the trip though. There will be keynote speakers sharing their expertise, and plentiful networking opportunities, both formal and informal. The weekend will also feature an awards ceremony honoring high achievers in the industry. Hearing the stories these people tell about the challenges they’ve overcome and the success they are now enjoying is always inspiring. There is no doubt that the knowledge gained and contacts made during this weekend will have a positive impact on attendees’ careers following the event.

Absolute Consulting Group’s Managing Director Discusses the Importance of Connecting With Coworkers

While meeting with so many high-profile professionals in Punta Cana will be exciting, Richard also looks forward to connecting with his Absolute Consulting Group associates. While team building and social events are a part of the firm’s approach, trips present a unique chance to bond with coworkers.

The face-to-face time that team members will get on their round trips to the Dominican Republic is an invaluable opportunity to get to know people, Richard said. In the midst of a busy professional’s normal routine, it can be a challenge to find time to have a relaxed conversation with a peer. By getting away from the office Richard and his executives have a chance to step outside their workplace roles and titles, and just be themselves.

The R&R retreat in Punta Cana is unique in that the relaxed schedule of events encourages even more downtime, for which Richard is grateful. He may be going on the trip with colleagues, but he’ll be returning with friends.

About Absolute Consulting Group: 

Absolute Consulting Group’s team members are the champions of clean energy in Maryland. The firm is the trusted partner of Inspire Energy, and its fresh customer acquisition methods have taken its reputation to new heights of success. This team is known for making it easy for customers and business owners to switch to greener solutions they can afford. Their impact on the planet is evident, and their passion for green energy options is at the heart of all that they do. Keep abreast of their successes by visiting absoluteconsultinggroup.com.

Source: Absolute Consulting Group


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