Acclaimed Historical Fiction Author Jana Petken Releases the Highly Anticipated 2nd Book in "The Mercy Carver Series: Blood Moon."
Prague, Czech Republic, December 13, 2014 ( - “Blood Moon” is set during the American Civil War and follows her famous character, Mercy Carver. Mercy ignores the dangers that surround her and treads a precarious road, using only her youthful passion and guile to guide her and the runaway slaves she continues to aid. Jacob, now an officer in the Confederate Cavalry, fights his demons and his growing mistrust of Mercy, whilst his old friend, Isaac Bernstein, a surgeon in the Union Army, refuses to give up on his pursuit of Mercy’s affections. Where will Mercy meet her destiny? Will it be in the Confederate camp or will her journey take her to the Union cause?
This new release comes only a short period after the re-release of her two successful novels “The Guardian of Secrets” and “Mercy Carver, Dark Shadows.”
Petken, who resides in Spain, has already been highly rated by readers across the world for her realistic depictions and strong storytelling skills. This new release is a departure for her and is considered by many to be a continuation of a writing style many have likened to Ken Follett.
“Blood Moon” is available on Amazon now, and interviews with Jana Petken can be arranged through her publicity office. You can contact her office via email at [email protected]
Tags: Amazon, E-book Release, Historical Fiction, Kirkus Review