Accreditation Now Offered From Lean Six Sigma Non-Profit ISSSP

International Society of Six Sigma Professionals

​After more than 20 years as a Lean Six Sigma leader, ISSSP (International Society of Six Sigma Professionals) is proud to announce accreditation services for all organizations. The four-year accreditation process is fully vetted by ISSSP’s Accreditation Advisory Committee, which assures that each applicant is compliant and meets the Minimum Accredited Training Organization (ATO) Requirements. 

In order to begin accreditation, an organization must become a member of ISSSP. The Accreditation Advisory Committee is comprised of member volunteers who were chosen based on their knowledge of Six Sigma as active Master Black Belts. They come from biotech, education and health industries and serve as directors, professors, authors, and motivational speakers in their professional lives.

“Having been a Lean and Six Sigma professional for nearly 30 years I have worked with many colleagues who cited LSS Black Belt certifications. But when speaking with them about how they were trained and certified, I continue to see a great deal of variation,” said Steven H. Jones, member of the ISSSP Accreditation Advisory Committee. “ISSSP offering accreditation is important for establishing a standard for what it means to be a high-quality Lean Six Sigma training organization. The ISSSP accreditation is a great step in reducing this variation and increasing the level of trust students and organizations can have when selecting a training partner.”

The committee has developed the Minimum ATO Requirements that Six Sigma training organizations must meet to be considered for accreditation. The committee has chosen to allow any Six Sigma BOK to be used, as long as it meets the minimum requirements set forth by the committee and approved by the Board of Directors. In addition, the committee has approved a Days Equivalent set of definitions to account for partial time blocks as a key part of the minimum requirements. Once an application is submitted, it takes approximately two to four weeks for the committee to review.

ISSSP offers memberships for all organization sizes and needs. The four-year accreditation assures full compliance and includes an annual renewal process. 

Founded in 1997 with the goal of bringing Lean Six Sigma professionals together and fostering the growth of the methodology, ISSSP formally became a non-profit organization in July 2018 with the intent to bring awareness to the value that Lean Six Sigma brings to the business community. By offering accreditation, ISSSP seeks to elevate the current standards of training in the field. 


The International Society of Six Sigma Professionals (ISSSP) is the leading non-profit organization promoting the high standards and values that Lean Six Sigma operates by. ISSSP provides access to Lean Six Sigma resources, advice on choosing accredited training providers, and opportunities for members to submit webinars, presentations, and white papers. Visit for more information.

Source: International Society of Six Sigma Professionals


Tags: international society of six sigma professionals, isssp, lean six sigma, six sigma accreditation, six sigma certification

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Founded in 1997, ISSSP is the oldest professional organization dedicated to Lean Six Sigma.