ACCU-STRAP, A Small Company Taking Large Strides in a Faltering Economy.
Accu-Strap LLC., the company that first brought the "Unbreakable PVC Gauge Stick" to the industry continues to grow its product line as well as its customer base in spite of the economical woes of the nation.
Online, September 27, 2010 ( - No more splintering or breaking. The Accu-Strap Tank Gauging Instruments, being comprised of PVC, CPVC or PTFE are not prone to splintering or degradation therefore are in demand to safety conscious companies to reduce the chance of personnel injury and work stop or work loss incidents. The Accu-Strap "Safety Stick" as it is now being called in the gas and oil industry is doing its part to reduce work place accidents in the gas and oil fields across the nation. Accu-Strap LLC guarantees its product line for one year to be chemically resistant as well as unbreakable in single unit lengths when used as designed.
As the Accu-Strap PVC Product Line is biologically inert, the gauging instruments are now finding their way into the pharmaceutical and the food as well as the perfume industries. The innate antimicrobial property of the polymer itself makes it the perfect choice for these applications as it reduces the introduction of and inhibits the development of microorganisms within the product of interest.
In light of the present economy, where efficiency is of utmost importance and precision is tantamount, Accu-Strap LLC ensures that each of their gauging instruments is accurate to within 1/16th of an inch and provides a Certificate of Calibration stating such with each purchase of an Accu-Strap Gauging Instrument.
As demand grows, Accu-Strap LLC continues to find new ways to decrease the cost of production which in turn will be passed down to the customer. Accu-Strap LLC continues to develop new products to meet the needs and requests of the various industries and applications.
Truly folks, when it comes to the "Accu-Strap Product Line, well,
"You can't beat this with a stick".
Tags: Accu-Strap, bilogically inert, chemically resistant, Gauge Stick, non degradeable, pvc, PVC Gauge Stick, Unbreakable Gauge Stick