Acid Reflux Cure, Website Popularity Skyrockets with Chronic Heartburn Sufferers
Online, November 9, 2009 (
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(United States)..... is a website that analyzes new treatment plans for acid reflux and heartburn. Popularity for the information on this site has grown at an exponential rate in recent months! With more then one billion cases of acid reflux and heartburn confirmed each year, chronic sufferers are flocking to to read how they can not only relief their heartburn, but permanently cure it! was founded by digestive specialist Chris BoWell. A former heartburn sufferer of 15 years, BoWell expresses his hardships living with this nagging disease. And after many different treatment trials, how he has finally found the treatment that has permanently cured his acid reflux and heartburn for good! He gives his full blown summary of what he calls god's cure for heartburn and acid reflux disease on his website
Now 5 years later and free of even the slightest reflux flare, BoWell enjoys a new pain free life of heartburn! On his site, he gives stories of all his troubles with the disease and free need to know information about acid reflux triggers (including obesity....and much more) and even the side effects of prolonged use of over-the-counter medications for acid reflux disease and heartburn. This information is really important in the journey to rid yourself of heartburn and reflux forever.
BoWell honed in on his knowledge of acid reflux disease not only from his life experiences with heartburn, but also from thousands of hours of research and interviews on the chemistry of heartburn. As a result, BoWell has also included two more tremendous treatments, on his site, that will attack acid reflux disease and heartburn at the source and ultimately rid it from a person's body forever!
BoWell helps to point people in the right direction on how to get started in getting acid reflux and heartburn free. If you are a chronic acid reflux and heartburn sufferer, check out ( With thousands of people now cured from the information on this site. What is stopping you from being next?
Persons interested in learning more about getting acid reflux and heartburn free can go to [].
Tags: acid reflux, acid reflux cures, acid reflux treatments, heartburn, heartburn cures, Natural, reflux diet