ActionCOACH Business Coach Rich Phillips Gets Phoenix Motorsports and Fabrication of San Diego On th

Rich Phillips started coaching Phoenix Motorsports when they were just nine months old. After a rocky beginning, they're well on their way to a successful future.

Some start-up businesses don't make it in the business world; there are too many challenges for them to handle on their own. Many start-ups fail within their first five years.
When Phoenix Motorsports and Fabrication of San Diego started out, they had trouble doing all those things. Upper management was having trouble paying themselves, much less paying other employees, and there were additional challenges with marketing the company and time management.
Nine months in, when things weren't changing for the better, they decided to hire Rich Phillips, an ActionCOACH Business Coach. ActionCOACH is the world's number one business coaching firm. The company is global, therefore Business Coaches not only have tools and systems from ActionCOACH to use with clients, but a global network of coaches to discuss ideas and strategize with, as well.
After attending one of Phillips' 6 Steps seminars, Phoenix Motorsports expressed their desire to improve their practices. They decided to hire Phillips, and they have never been happier.
That might be because Phillips stayed true to his word; he said he could help them get their business moving forward, and he did just that. Within the first 90 days of coaching, he helped Phoenix Motor Sports get organized and improve their time management so much that the company accomplished their first goal - paying themselves a paycheck.
"It has been one year since I started coaching them, and they've created a business plan, hired a marketing director and improved their business some 30 percent in net profits," Phillips said. "We have worked through many of their early challenges and continue to work on their business."
Phillips is still coaching them- their current challenge is systemizing operations and finding time to work on the business - and they've continued to work on their commitment to bi-monthly coaching sessions.
"In the beginning, they had the discipline to take on the homework assigned to them - that's exactly how they improved," Phillips said. "They now have the beginnings of a business plan, marketing campaigns and an increased revenue and client base."
ActionCOACH is the world's number one business coaching and executive coaching firm, with more than 1,000 offices in 26 countries. To learn more, go to


Tags: ActionCOACH, business coach, economic help, entrepreneurial, Goals, start up

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