ActiveAllocator Announces Major Market Data Infrastructure Enhancements

New proprietary methodology and scalable technology searches, recognizes, classifies and instantly maps more than four million traded financial instruments to fifty asset sub-classes to improve strategic asset allocation and portfolio construction
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​​Allocator Holdings LLC ("ActiveAllocator"), a financial technology company that owns the world's first and only asset allocation portal that seamlessly integrates traditional, illiquid and alternative investments within portfolios, announced today a milestone in the evolution of its asset allocation platform: the addition of mapping technology that instantly classifies more than four million financial instruments. 

This proprietary financial product mapping technology, the culmination of nearly two years of extensive research and development efforts, allows instant recognition and automatic mapping of over four million financial securities to precise asset sub-classes.  In addition, new, extended asset class coverage brings unique levels of granularity, which ActiveAllocator utilizes to enhance its core asset allocation and optimization platform.​ 

"Our most recent product enhancements continue and extend ActiveAllocator's leading position as the only comprehensive, personalized, and customizable asset allocation and portfolio optimization platform available."


ActiveAllocator cofounder Brian Jones noted, “Our most recent product enhancements continue and extend ActiveAllocator’s leading position as the only comprehensive, personalized, and customizable asset allocation and portfolio optimization platform available.  While conventional portfolio analysis tools typically cover just a few thousand stocks and funds, this is but a small portion of the millions of financial instruments in the investible universe. Our comprehensive approach not only overcomes these limitations of scope, but also enable significant business and operational benefits to not only asset allocation but also to trade negotiation, execution, settlement and clearing processes.”

Noted cofounder Sameer Jain, “We are tremendously proud of our development team for executing an approach that ensures open architecture, maximizes efficiency by eliminating redundancies, promotes consistency, maintains data lineage and extends coverage to millions of financial instruments with their associated metadata. These features also significantly enhance our ability to integrate ActiveAllocator with other financial market participants, third-party data providers, exchanges, custodians and settlement agencies.”

Some highlights of the newly implemented mapping technology include:

  • Within equities ActiveAllocator scrutinizes and maps nearly all global stocks, depositary receipts, certificates, ETFs, mutual funds, investment trusts, preference shares, rights, royalty trusts and other equity-linked products. This universe is comprised of more than two million equity securities including, 665,000 stocks, 163,000 exchange traded products, 51,000 closed end funds, 31,000 fund of funds, 18,000 ADRs, 7,600 Unit Investment Trusts, 6,500 preferred stocks, as well as 1,600 private equity and 10,000 hedge funds.
  • Within fixed income, ActiveAllocator’s technology encompasses over one million U.S. government and agency bonds, collateralized loan obligations, collateralized mortgage obligations and other types of commercial mortgage backed securities and structured products.
  • Within money market instruments, the system recognizes more than 42,000 instruments across fifty categories of bankers’ acceptance, bills of exchange, call loans, certificates of deposit, commercial paper, time deposits, discount notes and monetary bills.
  • Within municipal securities, the system distinguishes between 1.1 million instruments across original issue discount munis, fixed, adjustable, tax credit, floating, zero coupon, intermediate appreciation and consumer price index linked products, amongst others.

Expected future developments will include support for commodity/ index futures and commodity options as well as support for FX/FX options, equity & index options are also planned.

About ActiveAllocator is the world’s first portal that seamlessly integrates traditional, illiquid and alternative investments within portfolios. A fintech digital disruptor, ActiveAllocator offers RIAs, broker-dealers and financial advisors a simple way to understand and explain alternative investments’ benefits within the context of their client’s holdings; to allocate appropriately, as well as to access exposure by investing with the right set of active manager funds.

Email: media(at)activeallocator(dot)com
Phone: +1 312 498 1903

Source: ActiveAllocator


Tags: Alternative Investments, Asset Allocation, Best Interest Standard of Care, Digital Financial Advice, DOL Rule, Fintech, RIA, Roboadvice

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ActiveAllocator is a digital asset allocation platform with technology-enabled customized advice capabilities.

Sameer Jain
Sameer Jain
Cofounder, ActiveAllocator
20 Newport Parkway (Suite 2005)
Jersey City, NJ 07310
United States