Activists From Across the US Gather at Lincoln Memorial to Honor Fallen Heroes and Urge US Action — Organized by United Help Ukraine

Ukrainian supporters to take part in the eighth annual vigil honoring fallen heroes of the 2013-14 Revolution of Dignity, and to thank and petition President Biden for a stronger stance in deterring Russia

Stand With Ukraine

United Help Ukraine ( calling U.S. supporters of Ukraine: More than 300 supporters and friends of Ukraine from across the U.S. will gather at the Lincoln Memorial on Sunday, Feb. 20, at 2 p.m. to honor fallen Ukrainian heroes during the 2013-14 Revolution of Dignity and the thousands of fallen heroes of Russia's ongoing war against Ukraine. Following the vigil will be a rally and a peaceful march to the White House held in unison with members of the Belarusian, Georgian, Kazakh, and Baltic communities. The objectives of this event are to demand an end to Russia's war in Ukraine and the occupation of Crimea along with other territories in Donbas, eastern Ukraine — as well as the release of all Ukrainian citizens unjustly imprisoned by Russia, including Crimean Tatars.

 The rally will thank President Biden for his support, and then specifically petition the Biden Administration to:

  • Enact potent sanctions including stopping Nord Stream 2 in response to Russia's aggression in Ukraine and its failure to de-escalate and withdraw its forces from the Ukrainian border. 
  • Prepare and announce further crippling sanctions, such as cutting Russia off from SWIFT, which would trigger immediately upon further invasion of Ukraine.
  • Continue sending Ukraine sufficient quantities of effective weapons to enable Ukrainians to defend their territorial integrity and independence. 

In response to Russia's 2014 invasion of Ukraine, the U.S. and its allies instituted economic sanctions. Unfortunately, these existing sanctions have not prevented Vladimir Putin from continuing this war, which has claimed more than 14,000 lives. Much stronger sanctions need to be prepared and publicly announced in order to act as a deterrent to further Russian invasion. The Ukrainian people and armed forces are firmly committed to defending themselves against any threat to their democracy and independence. However, to stand up to Russia, Ukraine needs continued support — particularly anti-armor systems, air defense and coastal defense. The U.S. recently provided Ukraine several hundred more Javelin anti-tank missiles and other military support, but many experts see this as only a partial deterrent against the troops, modern tanks and aircraft Russia has in place.

Ambassador William B. Taylor (former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine) and Vice President, Russia and Europe, United States Institute of Peace will be a keynote speaker.  

Other invited speakers include senior U.S. diplomats and prominent members of the Ukrainian diaspora and community. 

Stand With Ukraine: Day of Solidarity in Washington, D.C. — Event Schedule

2-3 p.m.: Commemoration and vigil Lincoln Memorial 

3-4 p.m.: Rally with speakers and performances Lincoln Memorial 

4-5 p.m.: Peaceful march Lincoln Memorial to the White House

Organizers: United Help Ukraine, US Ukrainian Activists, Razom for Ukraine, Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Ukrainian American Veterans and members of the Ukrainian diaspora.


Source: United Help Ukraine


Tags: America Stands With Ukraine, Stand With Ukraine, Stronger Sanctions on Russia

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