ActivityPro Recreation Software For Long Term Care Goes On-Line

Silver Meridian has introduced a web-based version of ActivityPro software available September 1st to Nursing Homes across North America.

Silver Meridian has introduced a new web-based version of its popular activity documentation program ActivityPro. With the official launch on September 1, ActivityPro is readily available to any long term care facility that has connectivity to the internet. The program has been expanded, to include many new features, and with even more upgrades planned for the near future.

In going to a web-based format, the software is seen as more easily adopted into long term care Homes. There are no issues of hardware compatibility, and the program allows staff to access the software from any network connected computer in the Home.

Among the many new features of the program, the Residents at Risk report provides a major benefit to the recreation staff who are trying to respond to all residents' needs. The program allows staff to determine which residents are experiencing limited engagement in programs, print a listing of their participation, and then respond immediately with the best activity program interventions.

According to program developer Ron Martyn, the new version of the software is positioned such that any Home can access the program. "We have purposefully priced this program such that any Home, regardless of size, can afford the software," noted Martyn. He went on to point out that an advantage of the on-line version is that as updates to the software are completed, subscribers receive the changes seamlessly, without interruption.

Current users of the original version of the program are also able to make the transition to the new program, while retaining their original resident and activity data. Silver Meridian is offering an appreciation discount to owners of the original program during the first year of the availability of the new ActivityPro. A training manual is included with the program, and on-line training is also available.

Silver Meridian is now taking orders for the new software program, and setting up an installation schedule starting in September. Any Homes interested in acquiring the program, or seeking more details, are invited to contact Kathy Ritchie at Silver Meridian (888-898-0098). Prospective clients can also go on-line to for more details, and to view demonstration videos that outline key aspects of the program.


Tags: activity software, Long Term Care Software, nursing home, recreation therapy

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Kathy Ritchie
Press Contact, ActivityPro
1621 McEwen Dr.
Whitby, ON
L1N 9A5