Actiweaver Public Business System: A Game Changer?

actiweaver tm public business system

Xenuances, a peace/family-oriented sole-proprietorship company, announces the introduction of the Actiweaver public business system.

This system is about public involvement related to business design: Public groups brainstorming questions that directors of joined companies ask, related to the future of those companies.

"The public has been (in)directly related to all business. It seems fitting that available public groups become more involved with business on this planet. Proverbially said: public temporarily trying to wear shoes of management of companies. With those shoes on, trying to brainstorm for answers (actiweaving) in response to questions for companies (actiweaves)," said Xenuances director Michael-le-Mieke (M. Roeten).

For the interested public, actiweaving is: 

  • for groups of 2 people at minimum
  • to be more involved with companies

Xenuances is directed by Michael-le-Mieke (M. Roeten), who has studied 'Information System Analysis & Design'. 

More info at: &


Contact information:

Michael-le-Mieke (M. Roeten)
[email protected]

Parkstraat 83
2514 JG The Hague
('s-Gravenhage) Zuid-Holland

Source: Xenuances


Tags: actiweave, actiweaving, brainstorming, public