Actress, Writer, Producer Cherrelle ÉLan and Advice Columnist Hottywood of Hottywood Return to Chat with Students of Alma-Mater-The Duke Ellington School of the Arts

Literary and Media Arts graduates of the Duke Ellington High School in Washington , DC, Cherrelle eLan and Hottywood pay students a visit to discuss making it in the entertainment industry.

Washington, DC,-Searching for heroes, The Duke Ellington School of the Arts discovers two former graduates making their own way in the competitive entertainment industry. Literary and Media Arts graduates of the high school, Cherrelle eLan and local blogger, Hottywood Helps, have teamed up to produce a web-series, based on's advice blog-spot. On October 14, 2010, the team will share their years of work experience and development of Hottywood Helps!-The Web-Series in hopes to empower students to take charge of their futures. Successful in their own rights, eLan and Hottywood aim to provide insight on writing, producing and marketing your own entertainment content.

It has been 20 years for eLan and 16 years for Hottywood since the two graduated from the prestigious school. eLan continued her studies in the field, graduating Magna Cum Laude from Howard University and earning a Masters Degree from Syracuse University. Today she resides in Los Angeles, where she has appeared on such tv shows as Criminal Minds, and continues to pitch her screenplay Seoul, U.S.A. Hottywood writes demo music for local Washington, DC talent, sings with Stellar Award winning gospel-groups, and continues to develop the brand, that provides humorous advice to the masses.

"I remember the fear I felt when I was in their shoes making a choice to pursue a career in this competitive industry. So I want to help them get past their fears." says eLan "I want to help alleviate any fears by offering hands-on-experience with an internship opportunity for two lucky students." says Hottywood.

Filming of the web-series begins October 15, 2010 in Largo, Maryland and ending October 17, 2010 in Sterling, VA. Hollywood East's, Greg Amiker and Joel Harris have signed on to Direct. Cast include Lisa DiFiore (NY), Joe Feldman (VA), Joseph Hernandez (NY) and Alvin Hysong (NY). More about the web-series can be found at


Tags: advice, cherrelle, Duke Ellington, ELAN, entertainment, Hottywood, humor, industry, internship, students

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