Acupressure Mat Products in a Wide Assortment Offer Relaxation and Healing at
Online, November 15, 2010 ( - Acupressure is an ancient Chinese technique known to relieve body pains or ailments. Based primarily on the principles of acupuncture, acupressure involves the use of finger pressure - without the needles - on specific points all over the body. Over the years, the popularity of acupressure has been passed on from generation to generation all over the world, and the innovative acupressure mat came into being.
Acupressure is based on the idea that the body has a meridian system which has pathways running throughout the body in a circuit starting and ending in either the hands or the feet. When people lie on the acupressure mat, points within these meridians are stimulated, causing a rush of energy throughout the pathways. From its roots in Asia, the effectiveness of acupressure mats is sweeping across America, Australia, Western Europe and Scandinavia. offers various acupressure mat models, to provide shoppers with a vast selection of items to find the right one that suits best. By browsing through the website, visitors can check out the different brands and varieties, such as the Shakti Mat, Nail Mat, Spike Mat, and Bed of Nails, among others.
Acupressure mats utilize the long-recognized benefits of acupressure to help the body to heal itself. It is made up of 231 Lotus Flowers which have 27 points on each Flower, giving a total of over 6,000 points on the Mat. When lying on it, the points of the lotus flowers stimulate energies within the body, triggering a sense of well being while simultaneously relieving a plethora of symptoms including backache, sciatica, muscular tension, joint pain, difficulty sleeping, migraine, high stress levels, lethargy and depression. provides visitors with product reviews coupled with in-depth details of the features and benefits of acupressure mats.
Shop conveniently for your acupressure mat and reach a higher level of relaxation and healing. Visit today.
Tags: back pain, hip pain, insomnia, meditation, Nail Mat, Shakti Mat, Spike Mat, Swedish Spike Mat, yoga