Ad Astra Celebrates 35th Year

From its humble origins as a writing convention in 1981, Ad Astra has grown to become an event focused on all nearly all aspects of fantasy and science fiction pop culture. Despite the event's growth, the focus remains on the love of words.

Whether you are interested in the rise of online series on YouTube, a fan of comics, or just a fan of the classic novel, the convention promises to have something for you. As with many other cons, Ad Astra includes an exhibitor's room, an art gallery, book launches, a gaming room, and more. There are even workshops for those who want to use this as a learning opportunity.

With Guests of Honour including Publisher Tom Doherty (Tor Books), Author Jack Whyte (Dream of Eagles, The Knights Templar, and more), Publisher and Editor Sandra Kasturi (writer of The Animal Bridegroom and co-Publisher of ChiZine Publications), and Publisher and Editor Brett Savoy (writer of Running Beneath the Skin and the other co-Publisher of ChiZine), Ad Astra continues to bring together fans with some of the most fascinating voices from different media.

Returning from past years is the Charity Tea Party, this year with a Star Wars theme, and the Masquerade. The Charity Tea Party raised over $700 for Autism Ontario last year, and is well on track to raise at least as much for another charity this year.

The Masquerade, meanwhile, is an opportunity for members of the costume making community to show off their skills. Each year, it is an astounding example of another one of the types of talents that Torontonians and others possess.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact Promotions at Ad Astra or go to

Source: Ad Astra


Tags: ad astra, books, convention, writers, writing