Ad Fraud Slows Amidst Corona Pandemic. Anti-Ad Fraud Company Spider Labs, Ltd. Releases 2020 First Semester Ad Fraud White Paper

TOKYO, September 3, 2020 ( - Tokyo-based Anti-Ad Fraud company Spider Labs, Ltd. has released the “2020 First Semester Ad Fraud White Paper''. Spider AF, one of the largest AI-based anti-ad fraud tools in Japan, analyzed a total of 740 billion impressions for the first half of the year. (Survey period: Jan. 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020.) Download the report here (
The purpose of the white paper is to inform those involved in digital advertising about the market changes and ad fraud trends during COVID-19. In the report, Spider Labs investigated the level of fraud detected by their tool, Spider AF, amidst the COVID-19 crisis. The report reveals data comparing how traffic flows before and after the initial lockdown in Japan. The report also reveals some of the latest ad fraud methods discovered during the survey period.
・COVID-19 Cases and Ad Fraud in Japan
The coronavirus pandemic has persisted in Japan since January 2020, but the rate of infection reached its peak from mid-March until the end of April. Although the number of infections decreased in May, infections gradually increased again in July, sparking second wave conversations. The rapid increase in COVID-19 cases has negatively affected app installs.
A temporary decline in the ad fraud rate in March and April correlates with the sudden changes in advertising budget and targets that were in response to COVID-19. As we are forced to coexist with the virus in this so-called “after corona” era, it has been observed that the ad fraud rate is gradually increasing despite advertisers remaining hesitant in increasing advertising budgets to “before corona” times.
Click here for more details. (
・2020 Half Year Ad Survey Report Contents
・About SpiderAF
・What Is Ad Fraud
・By the Numbers
・COVID-19 in Japan (Timeline)
・Monthly App Install Percentage
・App Installs by App Category
・COVID-19 Cases vs Ad Fraud in Japan
・Click Farm
・Click Flooding
・Web Advertisers
・Domain Spoofing
About Spider AF
Spider AF is an AI-equipped ad fraud tool specialized in automation and data visualization. Along with businesses involved with ad networks, Spider AF aims to be a tool applicable to a wide variety of users from agencies to advertisers. The goal of the Spider AF SHARED BLACKLIST is to build a safer digital advertising industry. ( )
<Contact for press Inquiries regarding this matter>
Spider Labs, Ltd. PR Hashimoto
Source: Spider Labs
Tags: Ad fraud detection, Ad verification, Cyber security, Data security, Digital Advertising, Spider AF