Addiction Recovery Network Provides the Best Addiction Treatment Amid Soaring Overdose Rates

The continuing rise of overdose deaths in Canada underscores the need for access to effective drug rehab for opioid addicts.

The Western provinces B.C. and Alberta, have been especially hard hit by the opioid epidemic, and recent numbers from 2016 show that opioid deaths are continuing to rise substantially.

In B.C., for example, opioid overdoses rose 65 percent in 2016, driven in large part by more fentanyl in the heroin supply, according to a report by the Health Canada.

At Addiction Recovery Network, we are dedicated to saving lives.

Hank M, Director of Media

“It provided maybe an extra boost in the effects of heroin. As a result, it became popular with those who use heroin,” said the Chief Medical Examiner of Vancouver. “We’ve seen them chasing fentanyl.”

The over 900 opioid overdose deaths in B.C. didn’t include numbers from the many that went undetected as the result of related opioid attributed deaths. Because of this, the number is likely to be much higher when considering everything.

B.C. is not alone. Alberta had one of the most significant increases in the overdose rate between 2014 and 2015, and the trend was expected to continue when 2016 data is released. However, there is positive news about recovery in Alberta. A January 2017 report from the Addiction Recovery Network Comptroller found that since their Alberta Rocky Mountain Resort facility was always full most of the year, that she recommended that looking for another similar location to have 2 facilities to handle all those in the western provinces that seek treatment. The Executive Director has promised that the organization would continue to invest in access to addiction treatment centers for Canadians across the country.

“For the sake of our children and families, it is imperative that we strengthen access to support and treatment services for those that seek the kind of exclusive dignified and specialized treatment that Addiction Recovery Network facilities already provide to combat this epidemic in all its forms,” ARN’s Executive Director said early in the year. “Supporting Western Canadians struggling with substance abuse is critically important. In some cases, families have fought for years to free their loved ones from the grips of addiction as the government-run facilities in these provinces lack not only space but quality treatment.”

The continuing rise of opioid overdose deaths fortifies the need for access to effective drug rehab for opioid addicts that holds high success rates with quality evidence-based treatment. A recent study found that only 50% percent of people who enter government-run addiction treatment end up completing their program and that only 12 to 15% have success with staying clean and sober, statistics that highlights the need for better treatment options to help addicts work toward long-term recovery and that is exactly what Addiction Recovery Network provides. 

Finding the right treatment center for an addict is one way to help more people complete rehab. Whether someone is looking for a short-term rehab program or a longer residential program, Addiction Recovery Network specializes in delivering care to opioid addicts. ARN Treatment centers can also help address specific challenges like co-occurring mental illness or trauma. Finally, Addiction Recovery Network’s unique one of kind programing will continue to bring thousands to recovery no matter where they come from in Canada.

We can help right now and are here for you always.

Contact us at [email protected] or call us at 1-844-364-3737

Source: Addiction Recovery Network


Tags: addiction, Addiction Recovery, Addiction Recovery Network, Addiction Recovery Reviews, Addiction Treatment, Drug Rehab, drug treatment, Recovery Network

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