Additional Sales for TempIR Through Using Facebook's Modern Advertisements Software

Businesses have certainly discovered the power of social media and recognised that social media marketing has got to be an integral part of their advertising and PR mix.

TempIR is an online company that specialise in family health equipment and also provides advice for maintaining the family’s health and wellbeing from pregnancy through to old age. TempIR has found that using Faceboook’s new advertising platform increases internet exposure and traffic for its company. The advantages of this are to develop loyal fans and it has certainly improved search rankings and reviews in the internet marketplace. TempIR products include an electric toothbrush, dual thermometers and non-contact thermometers, angel heart doppler - to listen to the unborn baby and treasure those moments and a pulse oximeter, to take readings of saturation oxygen levels. At work, at home, and on the go, people visit Facebook throughout the day and so adverts are delivered more accurately to the audiences that companies choose on a 24/7 basis.

Spokesperson Aidan Wade says “Facebook continues to grow and is still the leading social media network platform.  This has enabled our company to reach out on a personal level and target our audience on a daily basis.  Our Facebook adverts are directed to people based on their location, age, interests and more.”

All of TempIR's products are widely discussed on the company’s Facebook platforms, providing helpful tips and instructions and there are also video explanations available to ensure ease of use. All of the company’s home care solutions carry a lifetime full money back or product replacement guarantee.

Aidan Wade says “TempIR supplies home health care products at competitive prices, using the most sophisticated technology.  They are typically tested by medical experts who inform us that TempIR products outshine our competitors.”

Check out our Electric Toothbrush on YouTube:


Tags: Baby Doppler, Fetal Doppler, health care, temperature thermomter

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TempIR Family Health Equipment - Non-contact Thermometers, Oximeters, Baby Monitors, Electric Toothbrushes, Dual Purpose Ear Thermometers

Aidan Wade
Press Contact, Den of Goods