Adelphi University Embraces Renewable Energy And Offsets 100 Percent Of Its Electricity with Wind Power

Adelphi University, a leader in the area of energy conservation and a green environment, announced it has offset 100 percent of the electricity consumed at its Garden City campus.

Adelphi University, a leader in the area of energy conservation and a green environment, announced it has offset 100 percent of the electricity consumed at its Garden City campus, with the purchase of 20,079,460 kilowatt hours (kWh) of renewable energy credits (RECs) generated by wind farms across America through the Boulder, Colorado-based provider Renewable Choice Energy. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that this purchase helps avoid a similar amount of CO2 emissions as that produced by nearly 2,757 passenger vehicles annually or the electricity use of 1,873 average American homes.

This agreement allows Adelphi to achieve points toward Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification and contribute significantly to large-scale renewable energy development.

"Adelphi University is proud of its efforts to green the campus and endeavors that continue to set the standard for others to follow," said Adelphi University President Robert A. Scott. "The investment in clean renewable energy to minimize the impact on the environment is a step in the right direction and expands the University's conservation and sustainability efforts."

Over seventy percent of U.S. electricity comes from fossil fuels such as coal and gas. Every time we burn fossil fuels to generate electricity, harmful greenhouse gasses are emitted into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change. Wind power-generated electricity is renewable, sustainable, and does not produce environmental pollution. By purchasing RECs, we ensure that the wind energy producers add the same number of kilowatt hours of clean electricity to the national grid, reducing the overall need for fossil fuels, and resulting in a cleaner and more sustainable environment.

"Adelphi University's commitment to offsetting 100 percent of its electricity demonstrates its campus-wide support of renewable energy development," said Quayle Hodek, CEO of Renewable Choice Energy. "The emissions from an organization's electricity use is one of the largest contributors to its carbon footprint. Adelphi's investment shows environmental leadership and is a valuable step in continuing to grow its sustainability practices."

Adelphi University has a long-standing commitment to green building and implementing sustainability initiatives. In addition to its investment in renewable energy, Adelphi made the commitment to "go green" with extensive use of geothermal energy for heating and cooling its new facilities. More than 300,000 square feet of new buildings including our new residence hall, completed in 2003, new Centers for Sports and Performing Arts, completed in 2008, a renovated Woodruff Hall, completed in 2009, and another residence hall, currently under construction, are all heated and cooled by geothermal systems, making geothermal an integral component of our long term commitment to reduce our energy use. Combined, these systems are one of the largest of its kind in the northeast. This system allowed us to earn Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certified status for the Centers for Sports and Performing Arts, by the U.S. Green Building Council. The new facilities are not only energy efficient but are also constructed with environmentally friendly materials, refuse from construction is recycled, solar gain on roofs and parking areas are reduced, and storm water is returned to aquifers naturally.

The University continues to search for and implement new ways to improve energy efficiency and to use products that are beneficial to us and to the environment. In November 2006, Adelphi began relying 100 percent on natural, organic techniques to maintain the flora around campus. All commercial pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, and petroleum-based fertilizers have been eliminated from Adelphi's grounds maintenance plan. Adelphi also has an extensive recycling program, where paper, plastic, metal, and cardboard are separated from the normal waste stream for recycling. A separate program for fluorescent lamps, ballasts, batteries, and electronic scrap, guaranties that the mercury and other heavy metals in these items do not wind up in landfills. Lackmann Culinary Services, which oversees the cafeterias on campus and food service for events, transitioned from plastic to paper food containers, and orders from local producers.

Adelphi University has won numerous prestigious awards: Excellence in Green Information Technology by Computerworld, winner of the 2008 Regional Commuter Choice Outstanding Achievement Award by The New York Metropolitan Transportation Council and Long Island, and 2009 Clean Air NY Champion, among others.

To learn more about Adelphi University's other green initiatives, visit

About Adelphi University: Adelphi University, chartered in 1896, was the first institution of higher education for the liberal arts and sciences on Long Island. Through its schools and programs-The College of Arts and Sciences, Derner Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies, Honors College, Ruth S. Ammon School of Education, University College, and the Schools of Business, Nursing, and Social Work-the co-educational university offers undergraduate and graduate degrees as well as professional and educational programs for adults. Adelphi University currently enrolls nearly 8,500 students from 41 states and 63 foreign countries. With its main campus in Garden City and centers in Manhattan, Hauppauge, and Poughkeepsie, the University maintains a commitment to liberal studies in tandem with rigorous professional preparation and active citizenship.

About Renewable Choice Energy: Renewable Choice Energy is a leading national provider of renewable energy credits (RECs) and verified emission reductions (VERs) (carbon offsets) to hundreds of Fortune 500 Companies and small businesses, thousands of residential customers, and over 1000 LEED green building projects in the U.S. Founded in 2001, Boulder-Colo.-based Renewable Choice and its clients have received prestigious awards from the EPA and DOE for supporting and expanding the renewable energy market and have been featured in hundreds of media outlets including The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, CNN, USA TODAY, and more.



Tags: Adelphi University, LEED, Renewable Choice Energy

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Kali Chan
Press Contact, Adelphi University
Adelphi University
1 South Avenue
Levermore Hall 205
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