Adept Networks: How To Choose A Phone And Network Cabling Installation Provider

Adept Networks is a trusted and licensed business communications and data cabling service provider who has seen some horror stories regarding businesses that have contracted unlicensed service providers for their communications networks.

Adept Networks is a trusted and licensed business communications and data cabling service provider . Adept has seen some horror stories regarding businesses that have contracted data cabling installation services for their business communications networks by unlicensed contractors. Adept recently published and article to help businesses avoid this pitfall.

With something as important as a business communications network, proper installation is imperative and in many states unlicensed installation of voice and data cabling is even illegal. In a recent article, Adept Networks talks about what businesses should look for in a network communications service provider when in comes to structured cabling installation.

Cabling Installer's Past Performance:
Adept suggests that making sure that the contractor is licensed to install structured cabling is first and foremost and after that checking past performance is a clear indicator that the contractors experience is legitimate type of experience is just as important as the number of years of experience.

Building Evaluation and Costs:
When structured cabling installation is required a legitimate contractor will assess the site and create a structured cabling plan for implementation. Determining proper pathways and capacities are critical to performance. Greg Wilkoff, owner of Adept Networks stated, "a structured cabling plan is essential when implementing a business communications system. This design will accommodate heating, cooling, data speed as well as future maintenance and expansion. The lack of a structured cabling design can make future IT equipment repairs and essential business updates quite costly and unnecessary."

Cabling Installer's Certifications:
Greg reiterates that only licensed cabling installers should be doing cabling installation, such as a Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD). An RCDD license allows for design, integration, and implementing an IT syst.

Location of Cabling Installer:
Adept Networks also recommends contracting a local service provider as not all IT issues can be dealt with remotely. As tempting as it may be to go with a cheaper IT company that's farther away, perhaps in the nearest big city, going with a more local, licensed IT company is going to be the best decision for your business simply due to their ability to be on-site when it really counts.

To Read Adept's full article on how to choose the right communications service provider for business phone systems and business phone cabling services visit their website at:


Tags: cabling installation, Data Cabling, IT networks, phone wiring, Structured Cabling, Voice and Data Cabling

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