announces admission for scholarship for college students
Online, July 16, 2010 (
17/7/2010 has announced admission for scholarship for college students. Now admissionhook is offering scholarships for essay writing quarterly instead of scholarships bi-annually to benefit the students.
The site is designed by well developed software and works automatic and systematic way for submitting sample essays, checking the essays and giving scholarships. First of all students submit their essays. The submitted essays are checked by a committee consists of qualified and well educated persons. A scholarship worth $1,000 is granted to top contestant for the top essay and a $500 scholarship to the student who votes on the most essays.
According to Mr. James Maroney, the founder of site contemplation the admissionhook aims to enlighten the personality of college students to make them prominent, shine and ambitious by considering their passions, ideas and point of views which are reflected through their essays.
Mr. James Maroney, organizer of the website says, " is keen to create writing essay skills in the students and acknowledge them by training about admission essay writing. We offer a top-notch admission essay service and grant free guidance about the admission essay for college students".
This main function of the site is to boost up the aptitude of students and make them competent to complete assignments of syllabus work by writing essays. One section of the site consists of 5 latest essays and the top 5 vote getters.
It is very convenient for Students to use the various features of the website. Just create a profile on the website and get benefit of the various features. Some precious advices and Video help are also provided to students to understand the concepts of scholarship and admission essays.
Mr. James Maroney said, "The admissionhook provides facility to college students to submit sample essays free of any cost and the funds for the site is provided by him and his some fast friends".
He said that at present the site will only focus on the main object and purpose of admission and scholarship essays without focusing on revenue of site.
The next last date of admission is September 15, 2010. College students who want to take admission should submit their sample essays early as early possible for kind consideration of admissionhook management committee.
Tags: 1000$ scholarship, college, scholarship