Adobe InDesign Preview Feature Now Available in Memsource

Following the integration with Frontlab, translation technology provider Memsource introduces a layout preview functionality of translated Adobe InDesign files in Memsource Web Editor.

The translation software provider Memsource has integrated a preview feature of translated Adobe InDesign files in the 5.3 release of its cloud-based translation platform, Memsource Cloud. The new feature will allow Memsource users to preview the layout of translated Adobe InDesign files directly from within Memsource Web Editor. Users will be able to quickly identify any layout issues and significantly cut the review and approval time.

The new functionality is the result of the partnership with Frontlab, the leader in InDesign preview and proofing tools.

"A growing number of our enterprise but also translation agency customers have been calling for a tighter integration between Memsource and Adobe software, in particular InDesign. Thanks to our partnership with Frontlab, we can deliver this integration. Memsource users can now preview InDesign files from within Memsource Cloud using Frontlab’s market-leading technology," says David Čanĕk, Memsource CEO.

Memsource users won’t be required to install any additional software on their computers. The preview functionality will be available from a new menu option in the Web Editor. The Adobe InDesign preview file can then be downloaded as a PDF file.

“We are very excited to give the Memsource community the opportunity to preview InDesign documents on-demand directly from Memsource Web Editor. Now there is no need to wait for hours - or even days - to see the result of your work,” says Ib Tørsleff, Frontlab CEO.

Before using this new preview feature for the first time, users will simply have to sign up on the Preview Express page on the Frontlab website and then enter their Frontlab credentials into Memsource. This feature will support all native InDesign files from version CS3 on.

About Frontlab

Throughout the world top brands and industry leading translation agencies rely on Frontlab’s proven technology for automating, converting, previewing and proofreading InDesign content. Web based in-layout proofreading combined with our translation memory update features makes it easy to keep your translation memories updated and ready for the next job.  

About Memsource

Founded in 2010 in Prague, Czech Republic, Memsource helps global companies translate and manage translations. Its flagship product, Memsource Cloud, is an API-enabled translation environment that supports over 50,000 users in their everyday translation needs: translation companies, corporate translation departments, and freelancers. Memsource Cloud includes translation memory, integrated machine translation, terminology management, and a free translator's workbench. Memsource Cloud is unique for its high availability and scalability, and has been recognized for combining robust performance with user-friendliness.


For more information about Memsource, please contact David Čanĕk, [email protected]

For more information about Frontlab, please contact Ib Tørsleff, [email protected]


Tags: Adobe, Frontlab, localization, software, technology, Translation