Adopt a Grad Student

With a drop in financial assistance for grad students and cuts in programs that I was hoping for my family and I have created a new concept in fundraising for college you might be interested in.

Hi my name is Josh and I'm going to ask for your help. But wait, don't go yet! It's for a good cause. I just wanted to be up front about it from the start. Please take just a moment to get to know me and what I'm all about. If you like my idea and want to help out just shop online using the amazon link at the bottom of the page and amazon will help pay my tuition costs for every customer that uses my link. Let me explain.

These are tough times. The economy is struggling and our country's economic future is uncertain. It's tough on everyone but no one faces the future with more trepidation than my generation. Young people trying to get started, support families, start careers, and maybe someday buy homes. We are faced by more and more obstacles in pursuing what we've been taught is the American Dream. With the high cost of education it's even harder to get started. For instance, I will start my career with $80,000 in school loans, which is about double the amount a new architect makes a year starting out. My grades are such that I would qualify for scholarships and grants although with the economy as it is many organizations have had their funding cut or reduced. Before I can make career choices based on my ideals and make the greatest change toward what I believe will make a better America for my children to make their way in, I will have to spend probably two decades paying this debt back. This is the situation almost all earnest young adults pursuing educations face. And with the uncertain state of the economy we may need help.

We've all heard of adopt a highway, adopt a child or any number of charitable organizations. I'm asking you to adopt a college or graduate student (hopefully starting with me :) because I can't think of a more direct and reliable way of paying it forward than that. None of your generosity is wasted on operational costs like if you donated to an organization and Andrews has linked this site to theirs so that you can safely and securely make a charitable contribution online of any size, large or small, directly to my tuition. Please check out their site or call them to verify the validity of my request.

If a thousand, ten thousand or even eighty thousand kind strangers and friends shop on amazon using the link I have on my website the difference it would make to my family would be immeasurable. The great part is that if you wanted to help you don't have to give any of your own money. Amazon will pay 4% of the amount you send on amazon toward my tuition if you shop using my link. And if we spread this idea around think of the difference we could make to the young people getting started, to their families and ultimately to ourselves and our country. It used to be tradition when a farmer had to build a new house or barn he'd throw a party and invite his neighbors to come and help. What would have taken one man weeks or months might be finished in a day. That sense of teamwork and community is not so prevalent these days and I'd like to do my part to bring it back. My school loans are my barn to raise if you help me, and others like me, maybe we can bring back a part of our culture we have almost lost. And maybe someday when you have a barn to raise, I can return the favor.


Tags: amazon, finacial aid, Fundraising, Tuition

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Adopt a Grad Student
Andrews University