Ads in Russia Get Highest Clicks
Online, March 7, 2014 ( - The highest click-through rate (i.e. the relation between the number of clicks and ad displays) was shown in Russia at (0.44 pct.). Banners served by RTB House were also clicked most often from markets in Romania (0.42 pct.), Czech Republic (0.40 pct.), Turkey (0.38 pct.) and Ukraine (0.37 pct.).
“We’ve found that ads served via real time bidding are able to achieve significantly higher CTR compared to overall display ad performance,” stated Maciek Mikoіajczak from RTB House. “For instance, the results show an average CTR for standard solutions in Romania at 0.21 pct. and Czech Republic at 0.14 pct. This is in comparison to the more successful personalized retargeting figures: Romania (0.42 pct.), Czech Republic (0.40 pct.). The key to better results based on ads served by RTB, is to personalize the content displayed. “This shows us that there is a higher chance that a user will click on an advertisement tailored to his/her preferences and follow through on a purchase,” added Mikoіajczak.
The analysis also identified the most effective ads formats. The highest ranked format was a large banner size at 300x600 (CTR: 1.30 pct.) followed by banner sizes at 300x300 (1.03 pct.), 750x200 (0.79 pct.) and 240x400 (0.72 pct.).
The data used in this research was derived from personalized retargeting tools developed by RTB House. The analysis looked at the countries with the highest daily number of impressions for ads served in January 2014. Campaigns were served using RTB House's real-time bidding models, a technology that enables the buying and selling of individual page views in real time.