Advanced Medical Integration Offers Introduction to Marketing for Chiropractors and Integrated Medicine Practices

The way for a medical practice to get a handle on the marketing game is to study the approaches of marketers in other business sectors. Advanced Medical Integration released a guide that is the culmination of learning about marketing techniques and applying them to practices that want to transition towards medical integration.

 For many chiropractors, the idea of moving away from medical care modeled on different disciplines that are isolated from one another and towards one that is more team-orientated and cohesive is appealing. The fact is, if a clinic is getting at least 20 new patients a month, then it should be able to successfully implement medical integration.

​​Increasing awareness locally about a practice and the services offered is critical to growing a business. In an effort to help do just that, Advanced Medical Integration is giving away this marketing information to anyone who wants it.

This introduction to marketing is intended for a practice that’s just starting and doesn’t have a third-party marketing firm on contract yet.

The first question to answer concerns how to develop and implement a marketing strategy. Do it in house or hire someone?

If taking the DIY course, then this guide will help with strategizing and implementation. And if a clinic decides to hire someone, then it will help them to know what to ask when choosing a marketing outfit that will meet their needs.

What this process will ultimately entail is “branding” a practice, combining design elements with forms of marketing to create a persona for the practice that is communicated to patients — and potential patients — both directly and subliminally.

If it hasn't happened already, take a good, honest look at the logo, letterhead, and other visual elements of the practice's public profile. Now’s a good time to do it.

​Want to learn more? ​​​Advanced Medical Integration (AMI) is the nation’s leading consulting group for establishing holistic, philosophically based medical integration. Whether a clinic is new to medical integration or they already have an integrated practice, AMI can help develop your practice to the new standard in desired holistic medical services.

CONTACT: Jeremy Haug, COO | [email protected] | 888-777-0815

Source: Advanced Medical Integration


Tags: chiropractic, DME, marketing, regenerative medicine