Advanced Research in Ayurveda from AyurvedaGram - A study on Mucositis

Recent clinical research study on an Ayurvedic formulation Triphala Choornam conducted by Dr Nibin John, Medical Officer, AyurvedaGram Vydehi, proved to be effective in treating oral mucosistis that occurs in the mouth of cancer patients.

Recently, a human clinical research study on an Ayurvedic formulation Triphala Choornam was conducted by Dr Nibin John, Medical Officer, AyurvedaGram Vydehi; supported by Dr. Naveen, Dr. Geetha Narayan, Dr. Durga Prasanna, Vydehi Institute of Oncology and Research center.

The formulation used is an oral rinsing solution with water and honey. It proved to be effective in treating oral mucosistis (inflammation and ulceration that occurs in the mouth of cancer patients undergoing chemo or radiation therapy.

Triphala Choornam - An Ayurvedic formulation that consists of three herbal ingredients i.e. Amalaki, Abhya and Vibhithaki. It is prepared by powdering and mixing equal quantities of the above dried herbs.

Method of usage:
5gm (01 Tsp.) of Triphala fine powder was mixed in 200ml of water and boiled. The decoction was cooled to room temperature and one teaspoon of honey was mixed with it. The patients were encouraged to rinse vigorously for at least 30 seconds and retain the decoction in the mouth for 3-5 minutes before spitting/swallowing.

The study was carried out in eight weeks on 10 patients. Of these 10 patients, 3 patients were irregular in rinsing. The patients who were on regular oral rinse with Triphala did not produce mucositis above grade two until the end of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. This has helped them continue radiotherapy and chemotherapy sessions without taking any treatment breaks.

Ayurvedic therapeutic action of ingredients

1. Amalaki
English name : Goose berry
Botanical name : Emblica officinalis
Part used: Dried fruit (without seed)

Ayurvedic reference
Rasam : Pancha Rasam (lavana varjitham)
Viryam: Shitham
Vipakam: Madhuram

Indicated in conditions of peptic ulcers, erysipelas, mucositis, stomatitis, anemia, hemorrhages, intermittent fever, and diabetes mellitus.
(Reference: Bhvaprakasham)

2. Abhaya
Botanical name: Terminalia chebula
Part used: Dried fruit without seed

Ayurvedic reference
Rasam: Pancha Rasam (lavana varjitham)
Viryam: Laghu

Indicated in conditions of wounds, mucositis, diabetes mellitus, chronic constipation and diseases associated with obesity.
(Reference: Bhavaprakasham)

3. Vibhithaki
Botanical name: Terminalia bellarica
Part used: Dried fruit without seed

Ayurvedic reference
Rasam :Kashayam

It is indicated in conditions of wounds, microbial and fungal infections, cough, constipation, and oral infections. (Reference: Bhavaprakasham)


Tags: ayurveda, Ayurvedic, chronic constipation, Health Resort, mucositis, obesity

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