Advize Health Revolutionizes Medical Record Auditing with Release of Free "EM Calculator" CPT Coding Tool

Medical Record Auditing

​Advize Health, a healthcare audit and advisory firm, has released a new software application, “EM Calculator”, better known throughout the Medical Record Coding and Billing industry as an Evaluation and Management CPT Coding Calculator. This tool can be utilized to detect fraud, waste, and abuse in healthcare claims, and supports Advize’s education and advisory practice. Fraud is an omnipresent threat in healthcare, with CMS programs left vulnerable to improper payments. In 2015, 71% of Medicaid related civil convictions were due to fraud. Medicare’s Fraud Prevention Task Force holds a 95% conviction rate for cases involving fraud, though fraud continues to drive up the cost of healthcare for patients and payers alike. 

Advize Health’s EM Calculator was created to facilitate ease of use to health care administration professionals, and to improve upon the efficiency of paper and other traditional auditing tools. The new web-based interface offers a more organized template into which auditors and providers can enter their coding information. The tool was created with diversity in mind, catering to both physicians and clinicians with limited coding experience, as well as certified professional coders and auditors.

The E/M Calculator will provide more granular detail, ensuring that billers and auditors can meet strict requirements during submission. This tool will be useful in both preventing and identifying fraud.

Melissa Jewett, Quality Assurance Specialist and Certified Professional Coder

“The E/M Calculator will provide more granular detail, ensuring that billers and auditors can meet strict requirements during submission. This tool will be useful in both preventing and identifying fraud,” said Melissa Jewett, a Quality Assurance Specialist and Certified Professional Coder who has been utilizing this tool since its inception. The EM Calculator will assist providers and their staff in properly coding procedures and other clinical care delivery endeavors. The EM Calculator software has been available to Advize Health’s team of Certified Professional Coders and auditors through an extensive internal pilot, and is now being made available to the public healthcare community.  

Advize Health’s EM Calculator functions through the utilization of several components to ensure accuracy and efficiency. The audit tool will calculate code levels based on the three key components of Evaluation and Management (history, examination, medical decision making), CPT criteria, and American Medical Association guidelines in order to determine code levels. Key differentiators of this specialized tool include its ability to not only calculate the level of service across multiple places of service, but also to calculate preventative medicine services as well as time-based codes.  

Advize Health’s EM Calculator tool is compatible with all modern web browsers and is available to use at  

About Advize Health

Advize Health ( is a small woman-owned medical record auditing and advisory firm. Advize Health provides professional auditing and consulting services to healthcare entities of all sizes, from private clinics to large healthcare systems. Advize also offers educational services to the healthcare industry and surrounding community, specializing in a range of topics including Clinical Documentation Improvement, DME, CPC Preparation, Chiropractic Services, and more. Their mission is to customize solutions for healthcare payers and providers in order to secure proper payments and financial integrity.

Source: Advize Health


Tags: Advize, Advize Health, Billing, Coding, CPT, EM, EM Calculator, Evaluation and Management, Medical Records

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Advize Health provides professional medical auditing, education and consulting services to large health care payer organizations, small and large group practices, hospitals and clinics.

Maggie Stankiewicz
Maggie Stankiewicz
Marketing Associate, Advize Health LLC
Advize Health LLC
201 E Kennedy Blvd (Suite 1130)
Tampa, FL 33602
United States