Advize Health Says Goodbye to Dominick Loria, Chief Webinar Officer and Company Dad

Adivze Health

Advize Health, a healthcare audit and advisory firm, says goodbye to its Chief Webinar Officer (CWO), Dominick Loria, after six years of service and a lifetime of love. Mr. Loria passed away on Aug. 15 at age 65 with his Advize Managing Director and daughter, Jeanmarie Loria, and family by his side.

Mr. Loria’s role as CWO extended far beyond the novelty of the title, as he lent his experiences to Advize Health’s education team at the end of every live and recorded broadcast. Advize Health and its educational arm known as Advize University are prolific webinar hosts and have partnered with other healthcare firms across the nation. Mr. Loria’s dedication to providing Advize’s webinar coordinators with feedback, show notes and coveted best practices have set the standard for all other subject matter experts in the field.

Whether he was driving us to meetings and airports or driving us to meet our potential as speakers and educators, Advize would not be Advize without his warmth, candor and willingness to help.

Advize Health , Official Statement

The esteemed Chief Webinar Officer title was created specifically for Mr. Loria and will be officially retired in his absence. CWO roles and responsibilities were all-encompassing, involving scrupulous attention to detail, speech pattern analysis, and most importantly, the distribution of positivity. It is an honor and privilege for Advize to memorialize Mr. Loria’s position and role within the company with the confidence that there never was and never will be another candidate fit for the job.

An official statement from the Advize Health team was released: “If you’ve traveled to New York with Advize, you know him as Duber. If you’ve ever presented a webinar, you know him as our esteemed CWO. Everyone else simply knows him as Dom. No matter how you slice it, Mr. Dominick has served proudly as Advize Health’s Chief Webinar Officer for the last six years. Whether he was driving us to meetings and airports or driving us to meet our potential as speakers and educators, Advize would not be Advize without his warmth, candor and willingness to help.  Thank you, Dom, for serving us all these years. With your notes in our inboxes and voice in our hearts and minds, we’ll continue to make you proud.”

Advize Health will continue to produce and participate in webinars, podcasts, web conferences, and other forms of media to carry on the legacy of Mr. Loria’s contributions. Maintaining a catalogue of notes and invaluable memories, Advize is resolute that their future productions will live up to the extremely high standards instituted by the Chief Webinar Officer. By striving to meet the quality aspirations of Mr. Loria, Advize is fully committed to reaching global audiences with professionalism, top-tier content, and a little taste of classic New York bravado.

In lieu of flowers, Advize and family ask that you please send donations to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Light the Night Fundraiser, or participate in the walk at Eisenhower Park on Oct. 20, 2018. For more information on Light the Night and how to get involved, please visit:

About Advize Health

Advize Health ( is a small woman-owned medical record auditing and advisory firm. Advize Health provides professional auditing and consulting services to healthcare entities of all sizes, from private clinics to large healthcare systems. Advize also offers educational services to the healthcare industry and the surrounding community, specializing in a range of topics including Clinical Documentation Improvement, DME, CPC Preparation, Chiropractic Services, and more. Their mission is to customize solutions for healthcare payers and providers in order to secure proper payments and financial integrity.

Source: Advize Health


Tags: Advize, Advize Health, Billing, Chief Webinar Officer, Coding, Healthcare, Jeanmarie Loria, Medical Records, Webinar

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Advize Health provides professional medical auditing, education and consulting services to large health care payer organizations, small and large group practices, hospitals and clinics.

Maggie Stankiewicz
Maggie Stankiewicz
Marketing Associate, Advize Health LLC
Advize Health LLC
201 E Kennedy Blvd (Suite 1130)
Tampa, FL 33602
United States