Advocate of "New China Hand" Talks on the Challenges and Opportunities of China's Changing Relationship with the West

The China-West relationship fundamentally switched with the 2008 financial crisis, bringing a set of unique challenges and a new kind of 'China hand.' Andrew Hupert charts out this new landscape and what it means for everyone.

"The phrase 'this is China,' or TIC, used to be used by old China hands to end the conversation," says Andrew Hupert. "New China hands will also use TIC, but in this case to start the conversation...about new opportunities, new resources and new solutions."

As part of its ongoing webinar series providing business intelligence and experienced China market expertise, Z. H. TANK speaks at length with Andrew Hupert, NYU negotiation professor and author of The Fragile Bridge.

Mr Hupert talks about how China has moved from being a tactical concern to a strategic one for Western companies doing business with the country, and how this impacts the negotiators and deal-breakers on the front line.

One particular challenge is developing management to bridge the international divide and how to prepare businesses to deal with the shift to the 'M2' world, with the two overwhelmingly dominant markets of North America on one hand and China on the other.

This means there are new skills needed among those who think of themselves as 'China hands,' as well as new skill deficiencies.

Hupert then goes on to talk about how both Chinese and Western firms must build teams to capitalize on these developments and create sustained competitive advantages.

His key takeaways include:

- How the relative positions of China and the West swung around in 2008 - a change driven by the financial crisis, but which was a long time coming.

- How China as an economy has moved from being a source of bottomline savings to a source of topline revenue.

- Why merely knowing China is not enough in itself anymore, and how the old China hand runs the risk of becoming the subordinate of the new China hand.

Hupert wraps up his presentation with a talk about the importance of breaking out of the "China Silo" to engage the whole organization with China, as well as the significance of going beyond the first-tier markets to reach the real growth potential inherent in lower-tier cities, before going to a Q&A session with Z.H. TANK moderator Nicholas MacDonald.

About Andrew Hupert
Andrew Hupert is the founder of Best Practices China, Ltd., a consultancy specializing in US-China negotiation. He teaches courses on negotiation for the Shanghai campuses of NYU and the University of Strathclyde, and created the online course Negotiate Successfully in China. Hupert's book, The Fragile Bridge, is a guide to the essentials of China-US negotiation.

About Z. H. TANK
Z. H. TANK is an online library of webinars for Chinese elite business executives and professionals to sharpen their management know-how. Through customized webinars, homegrown and global industry leaders share with the audience the latest trends, best practices, hot topics, and technologies that impact the world of business. The bilingual library of webinars also aims to enable the seamless integration between global perspective, know-how and local business wisdom. Z. H. TANK is a sibling brand of China business intelligence specialist Z. H. STUDIO.

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Tags: Chanllenges and Opportunities, China, Relationship with west

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