Affordable Health Insurance Website HealthCompare Responds To Consumers' Questions And Concerns Rega

HealthCompare, a website with the mission to help its users find affordable health insurance, has responded to insurance seekers' questions and concerns. To do so, the website has answered a list of frequently asked health insurance questions and

HealthCompare, a website designed to educate its users about health insurance and help them find coverage options, has responded to questions and concerns that many consumers have about health insurance. The responses are designed to educate consumers and to allay potential fears that they may have.

Health insurance is extremely important to most individuals and families. Unfortunately, it can also be quite expensive and the process for obtaining it can be quite complex. Many consumers are unaware of many facts about insurance, and in fact may believe some of the prevalent myths about health insurance.

HealthCompare is aware of the difficulties of finding the best insurance option, as well as the most common questions and myths regarding medical insurance. As part of its mission to educate and inform consumers, HealthCompare has released answered to frequently asked health insurance questions and also dispelled a list of myths.

The answers to the frequently asked questions are currently available at The common myths are also currently available, and can be found at

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Many frequently asked questions are answered. One such question is, "Do short term plans include dental and vision benefits?" HealthCompare says that they do not. Short term plans are designed to provide coverage in the case of a serious illness or major medical emergency, and typically do not offer the other benefits of more comprehensive plans.

Another question that HealthCompare answers is, "Co-payment? What's that?" HealthCompare says that a co-payment is a fee that you will have to pay for a medical service, even though you are insured. Co-payments are typically made at the time a service is performed.

Many myths are also dispelled. An example is that there aren't serious health consequences for those who remain uninsured. In fact, the opposite is true. Many minor health conditions go undiagnosed in the uninsured. These minor problems may develop into serious conditions. Some studies show that the insured are more than twice as likely to remain healthy as the uninsured.
Another myth that HealthCompare dispels is that most Americans without health insurance are unemployed. In fact, millions of employed Americans do no not have health insurance coverage. Some are self-employed or freelance workers, who do not have an employment plan option. Some employers do no offer health benefits of any kind. Some workers are simply not able to afford employer sponsored plans.


Tags: consumer information, Health Insurance, medical insurance

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