AgeWell Solutions Is Offering Premium Healthcare Virtually

We take a closer look at AgeWell Solutions and online healthcare as the company continues to get high praises for premium healthcare at an affordable price.

 While the advancements in technology has fueled growth in the business sectors, it has also helped the healthcare markets. We're seeing a growing trend in private sector of healthcare as more doctors open their virtual office to the world. With treatments and doctor care becoming more obtainable, we're also seeing this growth driving prices down and that's just what the doctor ordered.​

Take AgeWell Solutions for example. AgeWell Solutions was founded back in 2014 by Kim Crawford MD. While Dr. Kim is well known from her work on NBC and from her hit series "Dr. Kim," her company is only one example of the healthcare boom we're seeing online

Dr. Kim's anti-aging program is receiving high praise for doctor care, inexpensive treatments and amazing results. First, we looked at Dr. Kim's pricing on her anti-aging program. Patients have the option to try the program for only a $1. This is a week trial or you can try a full month at only $49. Surprisingly, Dr. Kim has 2 other membership levels that are yearly, one for $295 a year and another for $325 a year.

If you were to see a certified anti-aging doctor in America, on average, you'd be looking at a bill of $300 for your first visit. For an additional $25, you could see Dr. Kim for a full year! Treatment for a full year could cost you as much as $7,500 or more. Or you could join an anti-aging program like AgeWell Solutions at 90+ percent less.

All patients that sign up for an annual membership get full access to Dr. Kim and her medical team. What does that mean for you? When you have a question, ask and Dr. Kim answers. Dr. Kim received very high reviews in the communication department. Need to see Dr. Kim face-to-face? She offers it, so why not. Current members have left dozens of positive reviews, anything from the great service they received to Dr. Kim's amazing diagnostics. Including price also, Dr. Kim's patients are literally saving thousands.

For Dr. Kim, she has plenty of online reviews and credentials that show she's an authentic doctor. Dr. Kim has degrees and countless accolades from some of the top medical programs in the country. However, not everyone is as recognized as Dr. Kim. You should never join a program or pay money ahead of time for treatments or doctor care. We suggest taking the time to do your research, check doctor's credentials or read reviews. 

We're just in the beginning phases of virtual care by doctors and online pharmacies. We're already seeing prices being driven down and that is a relief to anyone paying for medication and treatment. The United States has the highest cost for medical treatment. But don't think big healthcare will go quietly in the night, look for tougher rulemaking for online doctors in the near future. For now though, as long as the credentials check out, online treatment can save you thousands in medical expenses per year.


Tags: agewell solutions, anti-aging, dr. kim crawford, healthcare, online doctors