Aging Out - Book Release Launch
Los Angeles, July 17, 2015 ( - New Book Details Struggles and Triumphs of Former Foster Care Kids
Aging Out, a photography and journalist project to raise awareness and support for emancipated youth in California, to host book launch party at Quixote Studios
"Our goal is to bring much-needed attention to the struggle these young people face, to find their basic human rights and overcome the trauma of their early lives," said Aaron Fallon, photographer and project manager for Aging Out. "The project seeks to raise awareness and much-needed funds for the young men and women who have aged out of foster care."
Aaron Fallon, Photographer
LOS ANGELES- July 16, 2015 – There are 28,000 children in foster care in Los Angeles County, and their situation is troubling, with high school graduation rates of less than 50 percent, and only three percent who graduate from college. In recent years, California has taken great strides to support foster children but there is more to be done, particularly for those who emancipate from the foster care system. It is this demographic of young adults who lack the important foundation and ongoing support of a stable family as they transition into the uncertainties of an independent adulthood.
Aging Out, an artistic and literary project that profiles 11 young adults who emancipated from the foster care system, is launching on July 30th in Los Angeles. Stunning photography alongside beautifully woven stories share both the struggles and hopes of these young individuals who are trying to make it against great odds.
“Our goal is to bring much-needed attention to the struggle these young people face, to find their basic human rights and overcome the trauma of their early lives,” said Aaron Fallon, photographer and project manager for Aging Out. “The project seeks to raise awareness and much-needed funds for the young men and women who have aged out of foster care.”
Aging Out juxtaposes the tremendous challenges with a message of hope. While one subject was beaten viciously by his roommates, and told he had no choice but to put up with it or lose his home, another found the determination and support to excel in college and join the Coast Guard, and was recently named a 2015/2016 National Finalist for the White House Fellows program, which offers exceptional Americans first-hand experience working at the highest levels of the Federal government.
The official book release for Aging Out will be held on July 30th, 2015 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at Quixote Studios in West Hollywood, 1011 N. Fuller Avenue, Studio 2. There will be a photographic exhibition, as well a silent auction of signed prints from the book and a chance to meet some of Aging Out’s subjects, the young men and women who inspired this project, will be in attendance.
The event has been kindly sponsored by; Quixote Studios, Tender Greens, Edition One Books, Digital Fusion, Wholefoods West Hollywood & The Honest Company.
All profits from the evening and sales of the books will be donated equally between the Alliance for Children’s Rights and The Right Way Foundation.
For more information, please visit
Tags: Emancipation, Foster Care, Fundraising, Not for profit, Photography, Real Life, Young Adults