Aguilar Y Salas, S.A - Spanish Leader in the Manufacturing of Heat Exchangers

Barcelona, August 3, 2015 ( - Aguilar y Salas S.A., specialized in the design and construction of equipment for the chemical, oil & gas, fertilizers and energy industries is ranked as Spanish leader in the manufacture of heat exchangers. With national technology, Aguilar y Salas S.A. manufactures a complete range of equipment for the energy sector such as: Shell Heat Exchangers, CoilHeat Exchangers, Trufin Type Finned Tubes Heat Exchangers, Highand LowPresure & Temperature Heat Exchangers and Internal Bore Welding.
Aguilar y Salas S.A as a group. recently announced that expects to reach a turnover of 38 million Euros in 2015. With no doubt the construction of new heat exchangers is a key market for the company, with the new trends in the construction of liquefaction plants of gas.
"We have more than 65 years of experience in the manufacturing of special equipment and heat exchangers for the oil, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, nuclear and alternative energy sectors. The equipment supplied by Aguilar y Salas are also used in gas supply systems. Despite the downward trend in oil prices, and the correlation between oil prices and gas, the gas price has not fallen so intensely because of its advantages in environmental issues and easy transportation and logistics. Moreover the use of gas is increasing for home and office heating. Consequently, we see a trend in the market to guide investment in the construction of gas liquefaction plants (LNG - Liquified Natural Gas). Natural gas is used as fuel in power plants, petrochemical and fertilizer industries. This represents a great opportunity for our heat exchangers", says Manuel Salas CEO of Aguilar y Salas, S.A.
Aguilar y Salas S.A.’s heat exchangers are manufactured with special materials such as stainless steels, high-temperature resistant, high-alloy stainless steels, duplex, super duplex, special alloys and noble metals such as nickel.
About Aguilar y Salas S.A
Aguilar y Salas S.A. is a leading company in the design and construction of equipment for the chemical industry, Oil & Gas and fertilizers. Since 1947, the company has developed its activity in Spain, being their export capacity the key of its success. More than 90 percent of their annual billing is sold worldwide. Recently the company has opened a new production unit in Recife (Brazil) with an investment of more than 22 million Euros. The company also has a production unit in Casablanca (Morocco).
Nowadays, Aguilar y Salas S.A employs more than 200 people and has a turnover of more than 35 million Euros.
More information:
Press Contact:
BlaNZ Marketing y Comunicación, S.L.
Rafaela Almeida - Marketing & PR Manager
Rambla de Catalunya 120 4º 4ª
08008 – Barcelona - (España)
T. +34 93 528 57 89 | Fax: +34 93 528 76 13
E-mail: [email protected]
Aguilar y Salas, S.A
Eulàlia Salas - Business Development
Pol. Industrial Pla de Llerona
C/Irlanda, s/n/
08520 - Les Franqueses del Vallès, Barcelona (España)
Tel. +34 93 861 70 70 | Fax. +34 93 840 04 90
E-mail: [email protected]
Tags: aguilar y salas, chemical industry, energy, equipment, GAS, OIL, petrochemical