Aimeos Web Shop Bundle 1.1 for Symfony2 Released

The Aimeos community released version 1.1 of their Open Source web shop components for the Symfony PHP framework today.

The new web shop shop bundle loads the service definitions automatically, which eases the initial installation process even more. The setup command controller can create new shops in the same installation, whose number isn't limited in any way. To make Aimeos one of the fastest and most secure systems, performance has been further improved to squeeze out the last milliseconds and CSRF procection is now available for all forms.

Much work has been invested into improving the payment provider interface of Aimeos. Now it's able to handle all variations required by existing payment gateways offering their services out there. By the integration of the Omnipay PHP library into the new Aimeos ai-payments extension, Aimeos supports 50+ payment gateways out of the box.

Furthermore, a highly flexible CSV importer for products is part of the Aimeos core library in this release. It can add and update all product related data using arbitrary types of CSV files whose fields can be defined via configuration. Last but not least, many small improvements have been implemented to simplify the life of users and developers.

The new version and additional information about the Aimeos Symfony bundle are available at

About Aimeos: is a community of PHP software developers offering a PHP core e-commerce library and integrates it into easy to use packages for Laravel, Symfony, TYPO3, Flow and other frameworks or applications.


Tags: e-commerce, OpenSource, performance, PHP, shop, Symfony

About Aimeos

View Website is a community of PHP software developers interested in integrating the core e-commerce library into easy to use packages for Laravel, Symfony, TYPO3 and other frameworks or applications.

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