Airwheel Electric Scooter: An Inexpensive Transporter in Economic Recession

In the scenario of economic recession, people have to limit their budgets in many aspects, especially in transportation. In this case, Airwheel electric scooter turns out to be the best solution for its superior price performance.

In the scenario of the U.S mortgage meltdown and Europe's debt crisis induced by the declining information technology revolution, some Europeans and Americans do not merely rely on their governments to bring back the tide, instead, they have figured out their own way to cut down expenses. Travelling by latest low-carbon transporter such as electric scooter instead of car is one of the solutions.

The Airwheel electric scooter, with its sleek design, solid performance and superior price performance, has won a major global market share and numerous favorable comments since its launch. 

Designed as a personal transporter for short trips, the Airwheel electric scooter contributes to an eco-friendly lifestyle as bicycle. Yet when it comes to storage and portability, even a folding bike can take much more room than an electric scooter. Therefore electric scooters are favored by lots of urban commuters. In addition, compared with electric bikes, electric scooter features much shorter charge time and sufficient range per charge and has hence taken as the first option for short trips in many modern families. In terms of safety, the Airwheel electric scooter is controlled by a world leading intelligent drive system (aviation attitude control, fuzzy software algorithm and gyro-system) to achieve the longitudinal balance. When it comes to safety measures at night, the Airwheel electric scooter is equipped with a front light, a brake light and LED atmosphere lights, which guarantee safe riding at night. Moreover, Airwheel riders are protected by an intelligent chip which activates safety measures such as speed limit protection, low battery protection, tilting protection, battery protection and charge protection when necessary. 


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About Changzhou Airwheel Technology Co., Ltd.

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Airwheel Technology Company offers state-of-the-art means of transportation, adopting the aerospace attitude control theory, fuzzy software algorithm, and gyroscope system to maintain balance by leaning forward and backward.