AKC Reccommended Tips For Camping With Your Dog

Going camping is a well-known family activity, and an increasing number of pet owners are including their dog in the fun. For those planning on venturing out into the great outdoors this year, the American Kennel Club offers the following canine camp

- Pay a visit to the vet. Your dog's vaccinations should be all up-to-date and take a copy of the records with you in case of an emergency.

- Be prepared for bugs. All sorts of insects, including fleas and ticks, run rampant in woodsy areas where campsites are located. Make sure to give your dog all necessary flea and tick prevention treatments before your trip.

- Update ID information. Identification is extremely important in case your dog gets lost. In addition to checking Fido's ID tag on his collar to make sure the information is current, check with your dog's microchip recovery service provider to ensure your contact information is up to date. To enroll your pet in a 24-hour recovery service, visit www.akccar.org.

- Equip yourself for emergencies. Pack a pet first aid kit to take with you. Make sure to include tweezers to remove ticks should your dog encounter any, styptic powder to stop bleeding, hydrogen peroxide to clean wounds, and bandages.

- Plan for day and night. Take a flashlight with you for night walks and a water bottle that clips on to a belt so your dog can stay hydrated when you both are out during the day. And don't forget bags to pick up after your dog's bathroom breaks.

Source: http://www.sacbee.com/2011/05/16/3629650/tips-on-camping-with-your-dog.html#ixzz1MY2aFtJv

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Tags: Dog camping, family camping, pet camping

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