Akron, OH - Cleveland Financial Group® Welcomes Financial Planner John Nelson

Cleveland Financial Group® (CFG) announced today that John Nelson has joined Cleveland Financial Group® as a Financial Planner. "Nelson's objective of partnering with an independent minded financial planning culture made Cleveland Financial Group a great fit," said Jeremy DiTullio, the group's Founding Partner. John will be available to consult with clients at our newly established Akron, OH office and CFG's offices throughout Northern Ohio.
Cleveland Financial Group

Cleveland Financial Group® (CFG) announced today that John Nelson has joined Cleveland Financial Group® as a Financial Planner. "Nelson's objective of partnering with an independent minded financial planning culture made Cleveland Financial Group a great fit," said Jeremy DiTullio, the group's Founding Partner.  John will be available to consult with clients at our newly established Akron, OH office and CFG's offices throughout Northern Ohio. 

Cleveland Financial Group® is composed of financial planners who have vast experience in wealth management, executive-focused planning, and sophisticated wealth transfer strategies. Nelson cited the firm's client centered "Serve First, Last and Always™" mantra as being critical in his decision to affiliate.

"John's experience in the retirement plan space will be highly transferable in working with a more robust suite of products and services," said DiTullio. "His vision to grow his advice-based practice and work closely with his clientele is well aligned with our values and the resources that are available here."

Cleveland Financial Group's Akron office is located at 520 S. Main St. Suite 2511-B. The Westlake office is located at 2001 Crocker Road, Suite 400 in Westlake Ohio. The Beachwood office is located at 28601 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 300.

John can be reached directly at 330-701-4802 or by email at [email protected].

Registered associates of Cleveland Financial Group® are registered representatives of Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp. Securities and investment advisory services offered through Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp., a broker/dealer (member SIPC) and registered investment advisor. Insurance offered through Lincoln affiliates and other fine companies. Cleveland Financial Group® is a marketing name for registered representatives of Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp.


Source: Cleveland Financial Group


Tags: Annuity, CFG, Cleveland Financial Group, Financial Advice, Financial Planning, Index Funds, Investments, IRA, Life Insurance, Mutual Funds, Retirement, Roth IRA, Stocks

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Cleveland Financial Group was born from our affinity to Northeast Ohio and from our values based culture. Working hard, placing our clients first, and serving our community are staples in our firm.

Cleveland Financial Group
2001 Crocker Rd. (400)
Westlake, OH 44145
United States