ALARIA PR Adds Bushido Apparel to Growing MMA Client Roster
Online, August 24, 2010 ( - Bushido Apparel is the designer and distributor of original clothing & fight gear that honors the warrior spirit. Effective immediately, ALARIA PR will provide marketing and public relations services to the EL Paso, Texas-based company, designed to obtain broad exposure and increase awareness of the company's new and exciting clothing line.
"As a fan of MMA and its clothing I am especially excited about represented this new product line," said Gaspare Marturano, principal and founder, ALARIA PR. "We look forward to helping the company expand its presence by increasing top-of-mind brand awareness and promoting its innovative products."
Launched in early 2010, Bushido Apparel has created original clothing and fight gear that honors the warrior spirit and is inspired by character building tenants such as courage, honor, loyalty, respect and the numerous philosophies and concepts that are instilled in the various martial arts and have been associated with forms of combat and warriors throughout the centuries.
They are dedicated to offering an ever-expanding collection of contemporary clothing and gear focused on style, art, fit, fabrics, finishes and quality. They embrace and indulge in style and design which at times is very subtle and quiet but at other times comes out roaring demanding to be seen. Bushido Apparel pursues the highest quality possible in all aspects of their clothing from materials to artwork to customer service. For more details visit
Tags: Boxing, fight, fighting, MARTIAL ARTS, mma, mma clothing, MMA gear