ALH Group Hosts College Prep Virtual Conference

ALH Group hosts a virtual conference scheduled for August 22 - 27, 2011 that will feature experts who will provide tips and tools for future college students and their families.

Ashley Hill, CEO of ALH Group, hosts a virtual conference for future college students and their families.

ALH Group provides college preparation services include consulting and tutoring services in addition to speaking services to assist future college students and their families. Hill established ALH Group to provide packaged services and products specified to meet the individual needs of the students and their families.

ALH Group's virtual blog conference will be held August 22 - August 27, 2011 at ALH Group's blog which is accessible through its website. In addition to future college students and families, this event is designed for educators, educational consultants, and other professionals that work with future college students and their families in any capacity. The conference will feature experts who will post a blog providing tips and guidance for a smooth transition to college. There is a different theme for each weekday of the conference. The themes are as follows: Monday (College Prep Tips and Strategies), Tuesday (Financial Aid/Scholarships), Wednesday (Parents and Families), Thursday (Careers), and Friday (College Advice from College Graduates). In addition, the webinar on August 27, 2011 from 2 - 3 pm Eastern Standard Time will feature an expert panel available to answer questions. Webinar participants will be able to ask questions or send in their questions ahead of time for the experts to answer during the webinar.

The virtual blog conference is an innovative idea that reinforces the mission of ALH Group which is to give students the tools to help them navigate the college application process. She noticed that there are major gaps in the transition between secondary school and post-secondary school and she wanted to make a difference in the lives of students. With her strong commitment to providing information to assist future college students, Hill is using technology of all kinds to reach students.

For more information, please contact Ashley Hill by email at [email protected]


Tags: Academic, college, student

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