Aligero - online reverse auctions

Reverse auctions where the price of every item is systematically reduced within a sellers price range. Offer less and win conract!

Whatever you need, we can get the best retailer price for the product you are looking for, or the best quote for the service you require, in your area.
You get the prices or quotes in your email box for free, from a vacuum cleaner to a car, from a plumbing to a house cleaning service. Whatever the situation, reverse auctions gives you the power to select the best option, and saves you money and time.

SuccesMerchants or Providers compete to provide you with their best Price or Quote they are able to offer, and you decide the option that suites you the best.
With reverse auction you will be saving 20% to 40% in all your buyings.
Registration and use of the system is free.


Tags: auction, auctions, reverse auctions

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Jan Vagner
Press Contact, Aligero
Nam. Vaclava Ctvrtka
Ackley, IA 50601