All About Rapid Weight Loss by Apt Diet-Plan and Exercises!
New Delhi, India, February 20, 2015 ( - Through easy and appropriate dieting and exercises, one can easily lose 2-3 Kg of weight in just one month. Shedding more weight than this is also possible through these measures, but that (rapid weight loss) may not be completely safe to bodily or mental health. Therefore, in this web-article, we are providing exclusive and very beneficial information about curtailing 2-3 Kg of body weight by male and female aged between the age-range of 15-45 years. People subject to all categories of work schedules are to be benefited by the rich stock of information, and easy and effective weight loss tips presented here below.
To shed off One Pound (about 0.45Kg) in a week, one essentially needs to burn 500 calories daily through diverse exercises. By this reckoning, for reducing 2-3 Kg in one month, one is compelled to burn 500-750 calories per day. Here it must be noted that, this amount of calories is to be burned daily while taking the prescribed amount of calories from your daily meals. This prescribed calorific intake from food items selected in your diet plan, differs depending mainly on the gender, age, and work schedules. For a man and woman aged between 25-45 years, and subject to medium to heavy work-schedules, this suggested amount of daily calorific intake is less than 2000 and 1700 calories, respectively. These figures also hold true for overweight boy and girl aged between 15-25 years, and concerned with moderate to high intensity of physical activities or work routines. Lastly, an overweight man, woman, and adolescent aged in the range of 15-45 years, and with sedentary work routines, should consume not more than 1200 calories daily.
Expounded is all about fast and safe losing of weight through appropriate diet planning and exercises. Elegant diet plans and exercises for both men and women are given.
Diet, Plan
For burning the above-mentioned magnitude of fat calories daily, the most effective and convenient are various cardiovascular activities and exercises, sports, and some moderate to heavy resistance/strength trainings, in addition to household activities and works. Through choosing a well-balanced and convenient combination of these all activities and exercises, a person can easily burn the specified calories during 30-60 minutes of daily routine. Some of the most efficacious of these weight loss exercises and activities are Brisk Walking, Fast and Sprint Running, Jogging, Outdoor Rapid Bicycling, Jumping Ropes and Skipping Rope, Swimming, Dancing, Press-ups, Rock Climbing, Rowing, Skiing, Hiking, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), etc.; playing sports like Badminton, Basketball, Tennis, Soccer, Hockey, Gymnastics, etc.; exercising with equipments like Stationary Bikes, Stair Steppers, Treadmills, Elliptical Trainer, Weight Machine, Weight Lifter, etc.; and strength/resistance training exercises.
To achieve surely the quick weight loss by diet plan and exercises, one must be resolute not to miss the daily exercise routine, and take only the recommended food items and beverages, during the entire weight loss program. Again, as extra activities and weight- loss exercises exert pressures and stresses to sound health and vitality, people undergoing the weight-loss program, therefore, must take essential macro- and micro- nutrients from the daily foods which together contain the above-specified amount of calories. This means that the foods to be consumed during the weight-loss program must be low in calories, but amply high in nutrients. Hence, the following assortment of food items and beverages is commonly suggested for regular consumption, during the program for weight reduction --- fruits and vegetables; low-fat milk and various other dairy products; whole grains, cereals, and legumes; lean meats and poultry; dry fruits, nuts, and seeds; fish and other seafood; beans and peas; soya products and beverages; various fat-burning food items; broth-based soups; weight loss juice recipes; unsaturated cooking oils (such as canola oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, etc.); and food items which are low in fat and sugar.
Weight Loss Diet Plan eBook!
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Tags: diet plan, exercises, juice recipes, tips, weight loss