All Star Driver Education Driving School Stands With AAA Ohio To Support Texting and Driving Ban In Ohio
Online, April 13, 2012 ( - All Star Driver Education announced that it supports AAA Ohio's position to pass a ban on Texting and Driving in Ohio. The ban passed swiftly through the House Legislature in Ohio, but most recently has stalled in committee in Ohio's Senate.
All Star Driver Education, a driving school in Ohio, fully supports banning texting and driving and advises passing Ohio Senate Bill 154 which would "Prohibit wireless texting while driving." The bill passed Ohio's House of Representatives 88-10.
Texting while driving is considered distracted driving. Distracted driving has become an increasing cause of traffic accidents and deaths, especially among teens. The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and State Farm Insurance have found that "from among the more than 55,000 teen drivers and their passengers seriously injured each year in 2009 and 2010, 30 percent suffered head injuries." The rate of teen driver fatalities varied from state to state. Some states had lower fatality rates, while other states had substantially higher fatality rates.
The study concludes that "The dramatic variation is due, at least in part, to the strength of a state's GDL law."
The statistics are staggering for the number of lives at risk. Legislation which disincentives distracted driving is essential to helping to reinforce the lessons of safety that kids are taught in Drivers Training.
Comprehensive GDL laws and driver safety laws like texting bans and mandatory seat belt laws help keep young drivers safe, the study says. All Star Driver Education believes it is peril to support this type of legislation to keep young drivers safe. All Star Driver Education strives to encourage its students to practice safe driving habits in every class and lesson behind the wheel.
Tags: All Star Driver Education, Childrens Hospital of Philadelph, distracted driving, Driving School, GDL, ohio, State Farm Insurance, texting