All-Weather BearCreekResearch SuperAsphalt Arrives At Last

SuperAsphalt All-Weather road material may be the asphalt you wish your city had used to fill that bad pothole that just cost you a tire or rim!

BearCreekResearch combined innovation and materials provided by Green Recycling Champion, Montgomery Recycling, to possibly produce a world class engineering specification for (Hot Weather/Cold Weather) environmentally friendly road surfacing and repair products.

Proprietary natural fibres, rubber and mixed chemicals may finally provide the legendary Holy Grail of road repair and surfacing materials, now IMAGINE the recycling aspect accounts for almost 50% of that MSDS sheet!

Director Don Hall chanced to discover the fascinating natural fibres while researching sources for "Your Almost Free - Rain Barrel" project combined with previous Polymer Resin Research, the additional materials literally fell into place after consulting with Montgomery and viola! SuperAsphalt was born!

Official Lab Testing may be completed by early Spring, while early lab tests are proving 15% to 68% strength and workability (ductility and tensile, shear strength), Canadian Temp. specs (-38 degrees)while avoiding the potential bonding and binding problems of previous 150/19% (acetate) blends.

A Concrete Version could be ready before Fall 2011!

Pricing is expected to fall just shy of twice the normal asphalt prices, savings expectations in all replacement and surfacing accounting far exceed costs.

Contact: Don Hall 859-229-4835 [email protected]
870 Corporate Drive, Ste.103 Lexington, KY 40503


Tags: Asphalt, Asphalt Costs, Bitumens, concrete, fibre, Polymer, resin, Road Repair, SBS

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Don Hall
Press Contact, BearCreekResearch
169 Deweese St. ste.2307
105 Chelan Drive