Alli C Gets Rid of Cold and Flu Viruses and Boosts the Immune System for Protection
Online, November 13, 2010 ( - Alli-C™ costs less than man-made drugs and antibiotics, and has no unpleasant or harmful side effects.
Alli-C™ is the most potent source of pure allicin available in today's market. Other garlic supplements only promise to deliver "allicin potential" but Alli-C™ delivers the real thing - in a stable and odorless powder you can take by swallowing a small, clear capsule that delivers 300 milligrams of pure Allicin.
Alli-C™ also kills viruses and fungi, and it drives parasites out of the body. It has been scientifically proven in double-blind studies using low doses to greatly reduce the number, severity, and duration of common colds.
Several strains of potentially deadly staphylococcus bacteria have developed resistance to common antibiotics like penicillin, streptomycin and vancomycin. In one study, resistant strains of Staphylococcus bacteria were placed into a laboratory dish. Pure allicin powder subsequently was placed in the center of the bacteria in the dish. The results were dramatic: allicin powder killed all of the bacteria in the dish! (41st Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents & Chemotherapy, American Society for Microbiology, December 2001.)
In a 12-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, allicin powder was found to reduce the incidence of the common cold by over 50%, and allicin powder also was found to reduce the duration of symptoms in those patients already suffering from colds. (Advances in Therapy, J uly-August 2001, Volume 18, pages 189-93.)
Alli C 300mg. vs. The Common Cold
Peter Josling published results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of Allicin in 2001.6
Seventy active treatment patients and 72 placebo patients completed the 12-week study. Study participants took one capsule daily of Allicin or placebo. Volunteers recorded their general well-being daily for 12 weeks, using a five-point scale on which 5 = well, no problems; 4 = well, with occasional sneeze, not disruptive to normal routine; 3 = can feel a cold coming on, some minor symptoms; 2 = feeling low and beginning to exhibit symptoms; 1 = full cold symptoms such as headache, sneezing, runny nose, tiredness.
If a cold occurred, volunteers noted the number and variety of symptoms, the day recovery began, and the day they felt completely better. 6 The study defined a cold as a score of 3 that went on to 2 or 1, with appropriate symptoms. The duration of symptoms was defined as the number of days with a score of 2 or 1. Recovery time was the number of days it took to return to a score of 4 or 5.
The results were impressive. The placebo group had 65 colds during the study. The Allicin group had 24 colds. The average duration of symptoms (score 1 or 2) was 5.01 days for the placebo group, 1.52 days for the Allicin group. The placebo group required an average of 5.63 days to recover, the Allicin group 4.63 days. The total for days of infection was 366 for the placebo group, 111 for the Allicin group. During the trial, 16 placebo group members had more than one cold, while only two of the Allicin group had more than one cold. The accelerated relief, reduction in the severity of troublesome symptoms and recovery to full fitness as well as reduced likelihood of becoming reinfected with other viral strains clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of Allicin against the common cold.
Alli-C™ costs less than man-made drugs and antibiotics, and has no unpleasant or harmful side effects.
Be cold, flu and virus free! Alli C is an odorless and tasteless garlic supplement.
Tags: alli c, garlic supplement, immune system booster