Allied Capital Inc Tracks Liberty Media Corp

Allied Capital Inc is following intently moves by Liberty Media Corp as the investment group targets Sirius XM Holdings Inc ahead of a Time Warner Cable Inc takeover.

John Malone’s investment company Liberty Media Corp appears focused on obtaining satellite radio broadcaster, Sirius XM Holdings Inc as part of a larger strategy of acquiring Time Warner Cable Inc through their stake in Charter Communications Inc. The buying of Sirius is likely to increase capital access for the Charter takeover bid of Time Warner by increasing assets for any considered funding agreements.

Liberty which owns 27% of Charter has confirmed that it will create a new class of shares, series C which will be offered at a rate of 0.076 for each outstanding Sirius share. This is 3.1 % above Sirius’s Share prices of $3.68 and would give Sirius a total value of $23 billion. The moves by Liberty have already had direct implications in the markets with share values at both Sirius and Time Warner rising as a result, with Time Warner’s stock surging 4% to $138.73

“ This is still just the opening stages of a rather long term plan and a lot of investors see the prospect of Liberty increasing their offer for Sirius and subsequent upping of the current Charter offer of $135 per share for Time Warner. Sirius offer a very good tool so far as capital access and raising opportunities go having gone from strength to strength themselves and the prospect of accounting for 39% of Liberty after acquisition is exiting a lot of people holding Sirius.” outlined Gregory Cline , Senior Fund Manager at Allied Capital Inc.

 With comments made by Liberty Media Corp CEO Greg Maffei confirming that they intend to maintain their position at current levels in Charter Communications Inc after a Sirius acquisition that would see the access up to $895 million in cash holding generated by the satellite broadcaster in the last 12 months, the market is optimistic that further increased offers will be made in the short term.

 “This is a straight up serious offer for Sirius, no one offers 3.1% above value as a tasting exercise and with the end game being a large holding of Time Warner investors in all four companies are feeling a very warm sensation at this point, Sirius shareholders most of all. Still nothing is final yet and no doors have been closed for additional investments ahead of the end game” ended Gregory Cline of Allied Capital Inc.


Tags: Allied Capital Inc, Liberty Media Corp, Time Warner Cable Inc

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