Alloy Software Expands Knowledge Base With Microsoft Office Capabilities

Promotes Expertise Sharing and Increases Productivity

​Alloy Software confronts the challenges of knowledge management by tackling the topic of multi-format data silos, starting with the ability to incorporate content created in Microsoft Office seamlessly into its Alloy Navigator product line.

The knowledge base resides at the heart of any successful IT organization for several important reasons. A central repository of technical solutions ultimately lowers support costs, increases the speed of on-boarding new staff and improves customer satisfaction through the delivery of ready-to-use solutions. The massive returns provided by knowledge management makes it an obvious focus when striving to make service improvements.

Unfortunately, many organizations keep their hard-fought technical solutions stored in different formats, across multiple repositories which results in data that is hard to search for, access and use. At the same time, converting and centralizing is nearly impractical due to the time it requires. This challenge has sparked an Alloy Software campaign to help customers streamline knowledge accumulation with the ability to batch import Microsoft Word documents directly into their knowledge base with a click of a button.

“We understand the importance of knowledge management and the need for tighter integration with Microsoft Office. Today we’re happy to address this necessity,” said Ivan Samoylov, CTO of Alloy Software. “Documents, manuals and other written material created in Microsoft Word can now be uploaded to Alloy Navigator’s Knowledge Base for immediately availability across the enterprise. Does it sound simple and easy? Yes! Now it is.”

These capabilities are now available for all customers using the latest releases of Alloy Navigator Enterprise and Alloy Navigator Express.

About Alloy Navigator

Alloy Navigator is an award-winning ITAM/ITSM platform enabling customers to manage daily IT operations and automate mission critical IT processes.

About Alloy Software

Established in 2002, Alloy Software is a leading provider of Service Desk and Asset Management software that helps organizations of all sizes automate IT operations and keep services running. Today, under original management, Alloy Software is one of the fastest-growing private companies in North America and has received numerous accolades from industry publications for their solutions and services. Alloy Software serves companies worldwide in several industries including finance, healthcare, education, technology, retail, manufacturing and more.

 For More Information: 

Source: Alloy Software Inc.


Tags: Alloy Navigator, Alloy Navigator Enterprise, Alloy Navigator Express, Alloy Software, IT Operations, ITSM, Knowledge Base, Knowledge Management, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word

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Established in 2002, Alloy Software Inc. is a leading provider of service management, asset management, and network inventory software solutions that help organizations of all sizes automate IT operations.